Tyler° Next to you 💜

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Summary: You and Tyler have a small fight due to secretly dating. Tyler's your brothers best friend.

-Short imagine.
-requested imagine!


I laid on my bed in the dark just thinking about the argument I had with Tyler earlier.

Tyler was sleeping over tonight and hanging out with my brother Jake. I sighed and exhaled a breath, I needed to see Ty but, I couldn't just sneak into Jakes room.

We had a fight about wanting to tell Jake about 'us' and our secret relationship... and I said no, I was too afraid.
Jake would hate me forever, he'd always tells me that I could never date one of his friends so that things don't get weird.

The argument between me and Tyler lasted for 30 minutes. It was 30 minutes of yelling, crying, frustration and confusion.

The sentence,
"why did I have to fall for my brothers best friend? I hate it" Escaped my lips during the fight.

Did I mean to say those words?

I love Tyler so much.

Tossing and turning in bed, I couldn't sleep... All I could think about was Tyler and how sorry I was. My eyes closed shut.

Tyler said he wanted to break up.

I didn't want him to leave me.

Tears streamed as I cuddled my pillow, small whimpers escaped my mouth as I cried holding onto my pillow.

My door slowly opened, the light from the hallway had shined into my room. The sound of footsteps and my bedroom door closing had happened.

I knew who walked in. My heart raced and I choked on my tears,
I felt his body presence next to me. Tyler spooned me from behind and his chin rested in between my neck and shoulder.

"I missed you. I couldn't sleep..." Tyler whispered, I wiped my tears and slowly turned to face him.

Now we laid in bed, face to face.

Even though I could hardly see him, he still looked cute as ever.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I'd never regret falling for you. I love you Ty." I whispered and gulped. Tyler's sweet smile showed.

He made me blush, he always gave me shivers. A Tingly sensation.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I love you more. And, I'll be ready when you're ready to tell Jake." Tyler whispered, my hands had cupped his cheek and I leaned in to kiss those soft lips.

A smile had formed onto his lips as we kissed. I really loved this boy.

-Short imagine 👌🏽

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