Mike° I found peace in your violence

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Summary: Understanding a broken boy wasn't hard to do.


I closed my eyes shut as I leaned back into my chair.

"Do you know why the both of you have detention? For non-attendance and being late to classes. And for you Mr. Wheeler... I don't expect any more violence or fights from you." Mr Reginald spoke as he stood at the front of his class with folded arms.

I inhaled and exhaled a breath as we both just stared at him.

"Your detention today involves cleaning the bathrooms in B block and in C block. Girls and boys, no whining or complaining. You both may leave school once I inspect how clean the bathrooms are." Mr Reginald explained.

Mike scoffed. We then stood up and followed Mr.Reginald to one of the janitors closet, we saw the cleaning lady who was happy to give us some cleaning equipment for our punishment.

I frowned my brows as I held onto the two mops, while Mike held onto the buckets with sponges, towels and the soap needed for the floor.

"Both of you, start in B block now. I'll check in an hour or so." Mr. Reginald spoke as he faced us, I gulped and watched as Mr. Reginald pointed towards B block.

I was a tad nervous to even speak to Mike. We've always attended the same school, and we've been in the same classes almost every year. He wasn't my friend, but my brother knows Mike so it wasn't like Mike was a complete stranger to me.

"We can start off in the boys bathroom, if you'd like?" I spoke while facing Mike as we headed towards B block.

He didn't say a word... or even looked at me... he just just continued to walk forward.


Mike entered the boys bathroom first, then followed by me.

I watched as Mike placed the buckets down.

Awkward silence fell upon us, so I walked over to grab a bucket and placed hot water from the taps into my bucket, followed by the soap.

"I'm gonna start mopping on this side." I mumbled while pointing to the stalls in front of me... I was trying my best to communicate to Mike.

Yet again, he stays quiet and doesn't even start helping. Fine, I'll do it on my own.

As I began to mop I relaxed, cleaning was pretty therapeutic for me. I totally forgot the fact that Mike was even there.

By the time I reached the fourth stall, I examined the bathroom walls. Multiple boys had written and carved their initials onto the bathroom stall walls.... One name caught my attention.

"Steve Harrington."

My brothers name. A small smile had been placed onto my face.

Once I finished cleaning the stalls I just stared at Mike. He was leaning against a wall.

"You can stay here if you want. I'm going to quickly clean the girls bathroom. Then we can both head to C block, and then I'll start cleaning those bathrooms too." I explained and sniffled.

Mike POV

I don't get it. Why wasn't she forcing me to do any work? Why was she so nice?

"Why aren't you angry at me? Or even remotely pissed at the fact that I'm not helping you clean?" I asked with frowned eye brows.
My glance was focused on Y/N.

She licked her lips,

"Because Mike, I don't want to force you into doing something you don't want to do, or even argue with you. And also, I just want to leave school soon, so I'm going to do it for you. I won't rat you out for not helping. " Y/N explained.

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