Mike° Distant

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Summary: Mike distancing himself from Y/N, he didn't want to involve his new friend/ Crush into something so life threatening.

-requested Imagine

Mike POV

I turned around to see Y/N across the hall, she was at her locker. The way she elegantly represented herself always amazed me.

"Mike, I can't believe you told Y/N that you didn't want to hangout with her anymore, a little harsh." Max commented, my lips smacked together while I turned my head to face the party.

"I had to sound mean, so she would stop trying to be our friend." I muffled quietly, my eyes looked down at my shoes and then back up at the party.

I've been ignoring Y/N for almost 4-5 weeks and it killed me, I truly like and genuinely like her. I didn't need her getting hurt or being dragged into this messed up Hawkins Lab shit, Y/N probably hates me now.

The party was talking about the 'new' threat in Hawkins, and how we needed to stop it. To be honest, Jane was our main hope of survival...

I blanked my mind out of the group conversation, and could only think about Y/N.
Slowly turning around again, I saw Y/N walking off, towards the school court- yard.

Before the master plan tonight, before possibly dying and not being able to see Y/N ever again... I just needed to talk to her. My legs started moving and I raced towards her,

"Y/N!" I yelled out.

I ran out to the court yard, my eyes landed on her. She had her head phones in, they were connected to her Walkman.

Finally reaching her, I tapped her shoulder. Y/N's face looked confused as she saw me,

"Mike?" She commented, I gulped before catching a quick breath while I eyed her down.

"C-can we talk? Or uh um we can talk after school? I'll walk you home, because around 4pm, I need to be someplace." I muffled with an unsteady shaky breath, my lips smacked together just waiting for her reply.

Y/N's face lit up a couple seconds after I had asked her, that grin of hers made me happy.

"After school, I guess you can walk me home." Y/N responded with a slight giggle, I blushed and thought what a great time to apologise to her, about me being distant.

Did I want to expose myself and tell her I had feelings?
What if something terrible happened tonight?
And telling her would only make it worse? Doesn't matter, might as well tell Y/N you like her.

Those questions ran through my mind while we both stood there,

"I'll see you at the front of the school when the bell rings at 3:15pm." Y/N spoke cutely, I stupidly waved and awkwardly walked off.

Happily making my way to the party again, I saw Jane eyeing me out.

"Mike, Focus tonight." Jane whispered then folded her arms, the whole party stared at me and then at Jane, Dustin then broke the awkward tension by slamming one of the lockers closed.

"Jane's right, Mike we cant have any distractions tonight, you need to focus- Y/N isn't a distraction, I'm walking her home, then I'm going straight to Will's house, like we discussed, the plan will go well. I just need to spend time with Y/N." I cut Dustin off while explaining to the party,
Jane nodded a no.

"You can't walk her home." Jane mumbled staring at me.

-been a minute aye

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