Richie° I wish /nine/

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Summary: Read Previous parts ( Losers club made it to the crackhead house)

Richie POV

"This grey water is making me itchy." Eddie whispered, I turned around and faced him, my flashlight shining his face.

"Shh, stop complaining." I whispered and continued walking. These tunnels gave me terrible memories.

Mike stopped in his tracks and faced us, he led the group towards the main hive of the sewers.

"We need to slowly enter." Mike explained, I held onto my bat tightly.

We took our steps into the hive area of the sewers, my eyes focusing on the huge mountain of belongings.
Something caught my attention,

A pink journal laying flat on the ground near the mountain of belongings,

"Bill, is the journal in your bag-pack?" I asked.
Bill walked over with Ben and he checked his back pack.

He looked at me, "No, it's m-missing." He replied, I gulped and bent down to reach for the journal, until.

"Richie?" A voice mumbled.

Me and the group all turned around to see... Not
Y/N, But Rachel. I dropped my bat.

I took a step forward.

"How do you know she's the real one, don't." Beverly whispered and stopped me.

Rachel smiled,

"I'm the real one. Trust me." Rachel whispered. I sniffled.

"She's the real Rachel. I...I watched IT bring her back to life." A voice echoed from behind Rachel.

My head tilted and saw Y/N. The girl I was originally here for.

I felt as Bill pushed past me and ran towards Y/N behind Rachel... Y/N was behind bars and stuck in a tunnel.

My eyes continued to stare at Rachel.

She suddenly ran into my arms and I hugged her back,

"I missed you." I mumbled, Rachel started crying.

"I love you Richie. Look, we need to go before the Clown comes back, Y/N said so. Come on." Rachel explained, I nodded a no.

Rachel then took a step back and faced us all.

"No, we can't leave her." Stan demanded, I agreed and Rachel stopped us.

"We need to go." Rachel spoke.


I smiled at Bill as he gripped my hands through the bars. I missed his touch, I'll be honest, I missed him.

"You need to leave Bill. Before IT comes back, and I don't know where he is, but, take Rachel and the others and go. I don't want you guys getting hurt, not again." I explained and blinked.

Bill nodded a no.

"I-I'm not leaving y-you." Bill replied, Sudden tears started escaping my eyes.

"You need too, please. IT, brought Rachel back to life and... and If you don't leave now, IT's gonna mak-

I stopped my sentence and Bill opened his mouth.

"IT's gonna m-make Richie choose who h-he wants. That's why the clown brought Rachel back, either You or Her." Bill whispered. I nodded in agreement.

"Richie needs, and has to choose Rachel. Leave now and the decision has been made. I'm going to let her live." I replied.

My eyes looked down at our interlocked hands.

"But, I c-choose you. And I'm not leaving you. I couldn't. " Bill replied.

My head looked back up at him. "I can't loose anymore important people." Bill whispered.
A slow shaky exhale left my lips as I thought about Georgie...

The whole group ran over, my eyes just examining their expressions.
"I'm so happy to see you." Stan mumbled, Bev agreed and so did the rest.
And then, my eyes coming in contact with Richie's.

"All of you have to leave." I whispered.
They all nodded a no.

"We can defeat IT again, we don't fear IT." Ben explained.

"We need to get you out of here, now. I need you out and safe." Richie spoke as he shook the bars and groaned.


"Shit. That fucker is back." Richie spoke angrily.

I watched as Bill pulled out his his dad's loaded gun.
"I'm not leaving you Y/N." Bill mumbled.

-chapter 10 is coming soon 💀
-tell me how you're liking it? Feed back?

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