Finn° iso

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Summary: Being isolated with Finn and his family.

-haven't posted in a hot min. (My ass can't write no mo)

Your POV
The Wolfhard's guest bedroom wasn't bad, it wasn't bad at all, quite fancy not gonna lie. It just wasn't the place you wanted to be sleeping in for the next 4-5 long weeks of isolation due to Covid-19.

Frustrated with the music coming from Finn's room which was next door. Every morning and night he'd blast his music loudly. Checking my phone I glanced at the time (9:45pm).

"Finn!! Please turn down your music, I'm trying to sleep." I yelled,

Patiently, I waited for it to be turned down or completely turned off, next minute I hear it becoming louder, I felt myself become more annoyed, my cheeks heating up while my mind cursed him out secretly. Before you know it, I found myself at his door, I swung the door wide open to see his smug ass sitting on his bed staring right back at me. This little shit.

"I just want some quiet tonight, please. I couldn't sleep last night due to your AM jams on your guitar. Let me rest tonight." I commented and practically begged, he just shrugged his shoulders.
Finn could care-less, I sighed quietly and turned my body around to walk back to my room. My parents were on vacation and were enjoying their time in (whatever country you want) during this pandemic, so I was left in the hands of the Wolfhard's, who also happen to be my neighbors.

"Y/N I'm just working you up, I'm sorry, come kick it with me." Finn commented, slowly turning around I made my way back into his room, slightly I rubbed my sore eyes and decided to join him on his bed. The way he looked at me, he realised how tired I was.

"I'm sorry ." He whispered before turning off his music, a sigh of relief left my lips and I relaxed, laying down on his bed I just exhaled and stared up at his ceiling.

"I miss my parents, it's difficult being here." I muffled quietly, I felt as he laid himself down next to me, both of us now staring at his ceiling.
"It sucks that I can't see them, and I'm sorry that I'm an inconvenience being here... I just don't have any family here in Vancouver, so my only option was to stay with you and your family. Don't get me wrong I'm extremely grateful that you allowed me to stay here in the meantime, but sometimes I feel like you don't want me here." I explained, Finn blinked a couple times before turning his head to face me.

"What do you mean? why do you think that?" Finn asked softly while staring at me, before answering I turned to face the ceiling again.

"You just give off the vibe that you don't want anything to do with me. You hardly interact with me, and if you do it's only to piss me off or make fun of me. Even before lockdown, when we're at school, you and your group of friends just stare me down. I don't think you like me at all." I explained with a trembly voice.

My eyes landed back on Finn, who was still staring at me.
He frowned slightly before speaking,
"I've heard some rumours at school, that uh, that you get around, so I mean, it's not like I stare you down, I just- You believe those stupid rumours? My ex Aidan was the one who made that rumour up. " I asked back while interrupting him.

Finn shook his head immediately, "No, not at all, but my group of friends do, that's why they stare...and trust me, I try to tell them not to believe those rumours." Finn replied back, I sat up and felt myself choke up.

"You don't have to lie Finn, I know you dislike me.." I replied, Finn sat up quickly and disagreed.

"No I don't actually, it's quite the opposite. Look
Y/N, I don't believe those rumours, and I don't dislike you. It may seem like I avoid you, and that's only because you make me nervous, and I don't want to act foolish around you. I frustrate you, and work you up because, I guess it's my way of trying not to fall for you." Finn answered.

"Which has failed me, because I fell for you a long time ago." Finn mumbles under his breath.

I sniffled and stayed quiet. Finn likes me?

"Y/N, I tease you because I like you." Finn said quickly. I was shocked and let out a small nervous giggle.

"Woah okay." was the only words that could leave my mouth. Finn smiled at me, before asking if I was interested in him. Nervously I wheezed and nodded a quick yes.
Finn nodded and started rubbing his hands on his lap, "Oooo, great, now my hands are all sweaty, wow so you like me back? crazy shit huh." He said with a slight voice crack, I smirked before letting out a small laugh.

"You know, when my mom told me that you were staying with us, I sorta danced around my room out of excitement." Finn brought up with a dorky grin.

I nudged his arm lightly before admiring his cute face, he exhaled a breath.

"If it wasn't for this pandemic, we'd be going on a date ASAP. I'm happy that you like me, like wow you actually like me." Finn spoke.

- this prolly needs a part 2
but yo wassup with you guys, been a hot min.
-id like to point out that this book has 666 views smh

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