Mike° invite🎀🎉

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Summary: Mike Wheeler's throwing a party, you want to impress him... Even though he has a girl, yep.


"Tracy, just help me look for a fit! Stop staring at Kenny." I complained as I roamed around the store and pulled her.

Tracy had been staring at Kenny Lucas for like 1o minutes straight. He worked at the sports store across from the store we were in.

"Tracy, look at me, We're here at The Star Court Mall looking for a kickin outfit for tonight, I need to look presentable for Mike- Y/N he has Jane. Don't be silly, just fish for Will Byers." Tracy replied and smiled.

I nodded a no. "I swear, Mike is sick of Jane, during class I always see Jane ignoring him." I replied and rested my hands on my hips.

She gave me a weird look. "You watch them? You're such a creep- Not all the time Tracy, just help me." I replied while I cut her off.

Tracy agreed and we started looking through the racks.

"How did we even get invites to this party? We're burn outs." Tracy mentioned, I scoffed and stared at her.

"Don't be so dull Tracy, Mike invited us during science. Don't you remember? You know what, you were probably staring at Kenny Lucas." I replied mumbling and then grinned.

She smirked and showed me one option. And it wasn't even a good one, she held out the most possibly weird looking top.

"Gross to the max, gag me please. As if." I replied and faked gag. Tracy rolled her eyes.

As we continued to search, Tracy caught my attention and pulled me behind a clothing rack.

"What the hell- Look, Mike and Jane are here with Max and Lucas." Tracy spoke and poked her head around. My brows raised and I peeked.

They had entered the store. "Why are we hiding?" I asked while facing her, she just shrugged her shoulders and I stood up.

Mike POV

"Tonight will be bomb, can't wait to blast Cyndi through the house!" Jane spoke towards Max. The girls were shopping for tonight's party.

"I'll be back. I need to pick up some stuff for my mom." Lucas mentioned, I nodded and he ran outta the store while I stood behind the girls and just looked around.

My eyes scanned the room, and I think I saw Y/N.

"Baby, should we match tonight?" Jane asked, I turned my head to face her.

"Hm?" I hummed, Jane gave me a look. She then rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"I said, should we match tonight?" Jane spoke repeating herself. I exhaled a breath and shrugged.

"I don't know." I mumbled and then turned my head to look for Y/N.
But Y/N wasn't in the same spot she was in.

Jane scoffed and continued to look through the clothes.

"I invited Jason tonight. I hope he comes. Gotta make sure he is well entertained." Jane whispered and elbowed Max.

I groaned and decided to walk around the store. I don't know what's happening to our relationship, I love Eleven but ever since she started "fitting" in, she's becoming a total sleaze and an asshole. She's even bullied someone using her powers.

My hands were placed in my khaki shorts as I examined the clothes.

"You really think Mikes gotta notice you?" A voice mumbled, my brows raised and I turned around to see Tracy and Y/N behind a few clothing racks...

They couldn't see me from here, but I could see them. I smirked just hearing Tracy say that sentence towards Y/N.

"Well, he's the only real sweet guy at school. And he doesn't talk to me just because I can do his 'science or math homework', I genuinely like him trace, Jane's super lucky." Y/N mumbled, I gulped.

Suddenly my hands became all sweaty, my heart pounded and I kept on pacing back and forth.

I was blushing.

My legs walked me back to Jane. She was still talking about Jason.


-this was requested 👏

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