Richie° What are you afraid of?

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Summary: Y/N does not accept to be Richie's girlfriend.
(Short Imagine)


My long sleeves were used to wipe my running tears down my cheeks.

I stood there frozen and staring at the boy with brown hair and big brown eyes, his bottom lip quivering as we both stayed silent.

We were on his front porch talking. Well, more so of yelling angrily... I told Richie that I couldn't be his girlfriend...

"Over the summer, did you not feel the same way? Was it all a lie? Y/N? Why can't you be with me." Richie blurted, he choked on his words and stepped forward.

A small exhale escaped me.
I brought my hands up to wipe my tears that were streaming freely.

"It wasn't a lie Richie." I muffled crying.

Richie frustratedly turned around and punched the wooden wall.
Seeing him this angry made me stressed, but all I wanted to do was to hug him, tell him it was going to be alright, even though it may not be.

"Then tell me this, why are you ignoring me? Avoiding me at school and in town? You want nothing to do with a Tozier huh? Is it because of all the shit that this fucking town say about me and my family?" Richie yelled crying.

I nodded a no and cried, he continued to cry and slowly removed his glasses.

"Tell me. Tell me you love me, please, I just want you to be with me. I thought you loved me Y/N." Richie choked on his words, the way he glanced at me, it broke my heart.

"I do love you- What are you afraid of?" Richie asked cutting me off.
He sniffled and stared at me with those sweet soft eyes.

"Y/N, I-I am not the 'Richie' I use to be. I am a better person when I'm with you. So, please don't be afraid of me turning into the old person I hated." Richie explained, the way he smiled softly made me blink out my tears.

I didn't want to explain to Richie about another thing that happened over the summer... Something I kept secret.

"I love you for you Richie." I mumbled, Richie just clenched his jaw.

"Stop stalling Y/N." He replied, I gulped and looked down at my fiddling fingers.

"I'm a-afraid of losing you." I replied faintly.

Richie POV

"I'm afraid of losing you." Y/N whispered.

I nodded a no and took another step towards Y/N, my hands intertwining with hers.

"Losing me? I would never do what your ex did to you. You know I would never cheat on you." I explained just thinking about her past relationship.

My fingers brushed along her cheeks and wiping them, making sure her tears were gone. Her eyes made contact with mine.

"I-I, Richie, I know you'd never cheat on me." Y/N replied with tears in her eyes, I raised my brows confused on what else she was afraid of.

"What is it then?" I asked curiously, Y/N sniffled.

"I'm afraid of losing you, because, over the summer, while we were together, I also f-found out that I'm very sick." Y/N spoke.

I felt like dropping to my knee's.

"It's ugh, it's called Leukaemia. Richie, I'm scared and I don't w-want you to waste your time being inlove with a girl who you'll lose." Y/N mentioned crying.

I nodded a no and felt myself shatter. My arms wrapped around Y/N and I held her tightly,

"You won't lose me. I promise. This is another reason for me to love you, I'll always be here." I whispered holding Y/N.

I felt as my tears escaped.

"There's nothing to be scared of. I'm here, you're not losing me anytime soon, and you're not leaving me." I re-assured Y/N.

-this was requested (,:

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