Finn° Birthday Girl

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Summary: Finn has a crush on Y/N. Finn gets invited to Y/N's birthday party and he finally gets alone time with her.

Finn POV

"Pinch me. Please tell me that Y/N Y/L/N actually invited me to her birthday party tonight?" I mumbled still in shock.

Chosen raised his brows as he stood up from the hotel bed and faced me.

"Well, she actually invited the rest of the IT cast aswell. But, yes Finn, she invited you." Chosen spoke as he chuckled, I scoffed and examined the hotel room.

Jack was brushing his hair and Jaeden was sitting on the hotel couch playing on his phone.

My head then looked down at my outfit,

"Jeremy? Wyatt? Is my outfit okay?" I asked while gesturing down at my clothes.
Jeremy agreed in approval, Wyatt scrunched his nose in disagreement.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I asked Wyatt,
He shrugged his shoulders and didn't say anything.

My mouth scoffed and I nervously walked around the hotel room.

"Boys, I can't believe I'm attending my celebrity crushes birthday." I explained thinking about Y/N.

Suddenly a pillow was thrown at me and I turned to the direction it was thrown from. It was jack.


I was running around my house basically half naked cause I couldn't find the pairing plaid skirt with my plaid tube top.

"You're a mess." Susie mentioned while my friends laughed, they were preparing the dining table with food and getting the decorations up.
I faked a laugh as I ran down the long hallway to the laundry room.

Finally I found my skirt and slipped it on, as I made my way back to the living room I pressed for the glass doors to slide open, so then people could enter the backyard near the pool.

"People are going to start arriving soon. Ugh Susie, the gate control is near you, can you open the gates so people can drive in?" I yelled before quickly rushing up stairs.

Once I finished getting ready I raced down stairs and my friends all winked at me,

"Wow Birthday girl." Maddie yelled smiling.
I blushed back and made sure everything was set for the party.

"Where are your parents? Bora Bora?" Lilia asked, I agreed and told her it was for a wedding.


More people started arriving. The music was on and things were going awesomely.

"Happy Birthday Y/N!" Millie shouted from the front door, she then ran over to me, followed by Sadie.

My arms hugged them both, "Thank you my girls. I'm glad you're both here, uh the food is out and there's snacks so please help yourselves and eat as much!" I explained, Millie winked at me.

"Is Finn here yet?" Millie asked while she raised her eye brows. I nodded a no and laughed, Sadie then nudged my arm.

"He better come soon." Sadie commented.

Recently, Sadie and Mills were told by Noah that Finn explained to the ST boys that he had a crush on me...

Ever since I found that out, all I kept thinking about was Finn.
I really wanted to attend one of his Calpurnia shows near here, but I had a chemistry read for a new upcoming movie and missed it.

Maddie & Lilia took Sadie and Millie to grab food, while I greeted the other friends who were arriving.

When was Finn going to arrive?

I felt long arms wrap around me from behind, I turned around with a smile and saw Jacob.

"Happy Birthday boo bear" Jacob spoke than winked, I chuckled and rolled my eyes while smiling.

"Who invited you Sartorious." I asked jokingly, he just grinned and stepped forwards, I examined as he handed me a Tiffany& Co box.

My jaw dropped and I thanked him.

Finn POV

We were all walking down her driveway,

"Y/N!" Jaeden yelled as he ran towards the front of her house.

Jaeden kept running to greet Y/N.
He personally knew Y/N, and  so did Wyatt.

I mean yeah me and Y/N have mutual friends, but I never had the time to actually become friends with her or even hang out.

My crush started developing after I filmed dog days, Y/N stood out to me so much.
Every time I'd see her at events or award shows my anxiety levels would sky rocket.

As I entered her huge modern looking mansion my eyes examined almost every detail.

Jeremy and I just were in shock of how dope her house was.
Suddenly out of nowhere, the ST cast walked over and greeted me and the IT cast.

Noah started dancing and Millie joined him.
I gave Caleb the bro hand shake,

"Where's Y/N? I want to personally say happy birthday." I asked Caleb.

Caleb smacked his lips, "I think she's in the kitchen bro." Caleb replied smiling, he then gestured to where the kitchen was. I thanked him and I decided to walk off.

I made it to the kitchen and saw no sign of her, or anybody in general. They were either outside in the backyard, the foyer or the living room dancing to music.

I sighed and leaned against the island counter quickly.

"Finn?" A soft voice mumbled, I gulped nervously and turned my head to see Y/N. Looking beautiful as ever.

I smiled and placed my hands into my pockets.

"Happy Birthday Y/N." I spoke, she smiled and took a few steps forward to give me a hug.

I felt as her arms wrapped around me, my heart was pounding as I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm glad you're here, really." Y/N mentioned with the cutest smile. I blushed and looked down,

"I-I don't have your gift, but I was thinking, that maybe tomorrow if you weren't doing anything, we could get you a gift and hang out. Get you anything you want." I explained and smirked,

Y/N joined me and leaned against the counter with me, her eyes making contact with mine.

"I don't need a gift Finn. But, yes, tomorrow I'd love to hang out. Just me and you, and some Dairy Queen?" Y/N replied excitedly.

I bit my lip and blushed. I'm glad she wants to go to Dairy Queen, cause that's one place I'd take her on a date.

"I'm still getting you a gift though, after Dairy Queen." I mumbled grinning.

-this was requested!

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