Finn° I can't help it 👀

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Summary: You attend a party and spot Finn Wolfhard. You become nervous, extremely nervous


"This Halloween party is so going to be extra." Lilia spoke as she faced me.

I placed my car in park as I drove into Maddie's driveway, my head peeked to the side and saw Maddie's well decorated house.

"God, Maddie went all out." I whispered and smirked, my eyes examined the fake spider webs and the 'supposedly scary skeletons' placed on the huge front yard.

Scary, Oof.

Tonight, I was dressed as Boo from Monsters INC and Lilia was little red riding hood.

As I locked my car and exhaled a breath, Lilia smiled at me.

"You look so darn cute." Lilia whispered and winked, I thanked her and we both walked up to the door.

Before even knocking on the door or reaching to knock on the door, the doors swung open and Maddie tackled Lilia and I.

"MY MAINS ARE HERE!!' Since ya'll are so early, this means you'll help me set up the snack bar!" Maddie explained as we walked in, I gave Lilia a small eye role and we both giggled.

Finn POV

I shook my head and smirked as I continued to drive....

"I can't believe you dressed up as 'Dwight' from the office." I mentioned and stopped at a red light. Jaeden turned to face me and gave me a look, his hands hand pointed to my costume.

"My costume is better than than ,whatever you are- Dude, I'm dressed up as a blind mouse." I spoke interrupting Jaeden.

Wyatt leaned forward due to him sitting in the back,
"Yeah it's obvious Jae. Cant you tell he's a blind mouse? " Wyatt spoke with a sarcastic tone.

I mean, I hardly tried. All I was wearing was a white shirt, black jeans with my checkered vans... oh and my black sunglasses.

"Shut up." I muffled as I continued to drive.
Wyatt excitedly leaned forward,

"I heard Y/N's going to be there. You should ask her on a date Finn!" Wyatt teased, I raised my brows and placed my hands in the air.

"Woah, both hands on the wheel Wolfhard." Jaeden yelled as he got scared. I smirked and placed them back onto the wheel.

"Just because, I said in one interview that Y/N was gorgeous doesn't mean I have to ask her on a date- It does." Jaeden and Wyatt both spoke as they cut me off.

I had on a blank face.

"Are you saying you don't wanna take Y/N on a date? And by the way, you've said multiple times on interviews that Y/N was your crush." Wyatt explained, I rolled my eyes.

"I'll try and ask her out." I whispered as I pulled into the driveway. Once the car was parked, I faced Jae and Wyatt.

"when I talk to her, or when I ask Y/N out... What if I embarrass myself and like... Fart?" I asked and cringed, Jaeden frowned his brows.

"What's with you and farting? Anyway, you won't embarrass yourself, just act Suave." Jaeden replied and then winked.

Great advice Jae.


The party was going good and I was eating food while hanging in the backyard with Maddie and Lilia.

"Jaeden's here!" Lilia mentioned and smiled.
I felt as Lilia suddenly gripped onto my hand and she dragged me into the house.

"Jae!" Lilia yelled. My eyes trailed to look up at Jaeden dressed as Dwight... I then saw Wyatt and for some reason,

Everything went slow motion... my glance had landed on "Finn Wolfhard."

The boy I liked... but could never have the guts to talk too.

I mean, we've hung out but only because of our mutual friends, or just seeing one another at award shows/events.

Jaeden and Finn walked up to me and Lilia. My eyes fixated on the boy with curly dark hair and that beautiful smile.
It almost feels like time had stopped, my heart had skipped so many beats.

"Hey." Finn mumbled and smiled, the way he placed his hands in his front pockets made me blush.

Weird right.

My mouth opened and I couldn't spit out my words,


Finn raised his brows.

"What Y/N is trying to say, is that she would love to a-company you to the snack bar." Lilia mentioned.

My eyes went wide and I agreed to what she said. Finn chuckled and we both started walking towards the snack bar.

"Sorry, I had a little brain fart." I whispered and nervously played with my fingers. Finn nodded his head and faced me,

"I get that too. And when I'm nervous I start rambling about weird and irrelevant shit. Sometimes I'll try to make the awkward silence better with a joke but then I'll realise it's a bad joke and want to have a whole re-do." Finn mumbled.

A small smile escaped onto my lips.

"I get that. Anyway blind mouse, where's the other two mice? I'd expect Wyatt and Jaeden to be mice with you... so then you can officially be the three blind Mice." I explained, Finn's eyes went wide.

"Wait, you knew I was a blind mouse?" He asked shocked, my head agreed and I giggled.

"You're a keeper." Finn whispered.

My heart stopped, I blushed royally and so did Finn. Both of our faces turning red.

Finn POV

The night was great. It ended well when I asked Y/N on a date.

She was my kind of woman.

"Stop thinking about Y/N and drive properly, you keep swerving." Wyatt teased as we were making our way home from the party.

I rolled my eyes,

"I can't help it." I whispered then smiled.

-here ya go! How was this?

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