Mike° Its my decision

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Summary: Y/N wanting to move out of Hawkins for college. She ask's Mike to leave with her, but he rejects.



I could hear myself word vomit all over Mike about college in NYC.
I couldn't help myself, I was excited about leaving this town.

As I continued to drive I decided to stop talking about college. Mike was quiet as he sat in the passengers seat.

My fingers were lightly tapping against the wheel just curious on what he was thinking about. We were on our way to visit Will and the rest of the Byers family.

"I've thought about what you asked me yesterday, you know, about moving to NY with you... I've made my decision." Mike whispered while he turned to face me.

My bottom lip quivered and I nervously gave him a stupid smile.

"And your decision is?" I asked then focused back on the road.

Mike paused, he didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Y/N, my whole life is in Hawkins." Mike mumbled.

My heart dropped... That sentence clearly told me that he wanted to stay here.
Well, I understand that I can't force Mike to leave.

I tightly gripped onto the steering wheel, and focused on the road.

"I can't leave my family here, also, I can't leave my friends. The boys are attending college here in Hawkins. As much as I love you Y/N, I can't leave my family and friends, just for you." Mike explained with a blunt tone in his voice.

Exhaling lightly, I decided to pull the car over.

I could feel myself heat up, my throat felt like it was going to close up.

"I- I understand." I whispered then sniffled.

We both stayed quiet again, the tension was high.

I turned to face him, those dark brown eyes would come to haunt me knowing that my decision to move to NY was going to break us up.

"Long distant relationships are difficult Mike." I muffled.

Mike agreed, all he could do was stay quiet.

"Mike, another reason, is it... Is it because you can't leave Jane?" I asked curiously with a sore whisper.

I looked down at my shaky legs, then over at Mike who was fiddling with his fingers.

"It's my decision." Mike replied. He didn't even answer my question.

I assumed that his answer was a yes.

"Y/N, you'll be great in NY. You deserve to leave this shitty town." Mike explained.

My head nodded and my eyes blinked out my disappointed tears.

"You're right, I'll be great over there. I'll be moving forward in life....Not stuck in some shitty town." I whispered back.

Mike flared his nostrils while making eye contact with me.

"Y/N I- Mike maybe we should discuss this later. Let's visit the Byers first." I interrupted while pulling myself together and starting the car again.

Mike agreed and stayed quiet.

As much as I wanted to be calm, I couldn't.

The rest of the drive was horrible, I was sniffling and whimpering, thinking about how this was going to end between me and Mike.

-how was this.
-draft was ready to publish.

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