Mike + Will° Attention /three/

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Mike POV

I finally had Eleven back in my arms... She was telling me all about her small family vacation with the Byers family while we sat in class just having free time due to finishing our work sheets.

My eyes trailed and I found myself staring at Y/N with Will.

"Mike are you even listening?" El asked about 3-4 times. I snapped out of my blank glare and faced her,

"Yeah, I- I am." I muffled back. Suddenly, Y/N turned her head and kept eye contact with me.
Analysing Y/N and then watching as she looked away made me feel strange, she just smiled at Will.

My jaw clenched and I exhaled a breath,

"Guys, tonight. My house, dungeons and dragons- Sorry, I can't. I'm spending time with Y/N." Will mentioned and smiled,

El then grabbed my face and forced me to stare her way.

"No hang outs, I got back and I want time alone, okay?!" Eleven explained, I agreed and smiled at her.


"How do you not get double scoops? It's so good." I explained while staring at Will while we held onto our ice cream cones.

Will chuckled and faced me as we stopped walking. We were at the Star Court Mall just hanging out, only the two of us.

"I only like one scoop- But, when you get 2 scoops, you can get different flavours!" I replied cutting Will off. He licked his ice cream and smiled.

"I only want to focus on one flavour." Will replied, I smacked my lips together and we decided to start walking again.

"It really makes me question on why you don't like getting 2 flavours I mean- I then felt as Will grabbed my hand, turned me around and kissed me.

Woah.... My eyes closed and I smiled during the fast kiss.

What a turn of events. I'm glad he kissed me.

Will pulled back and smiled, "I want you. You mean so much to me, and thinking about how you're not mine, it frustrates me. I'm sorry for kissing you." Will explained.

I nodded a no, "I want you as well- yeah. I do." I mumbled nervously while standing there shocked with my ice cream cone.
I felt as Will pulled me closer again, this guy was smooth.

I leaned my forehead against his, both of us just smiling while we held our ice creams.

Mike POV

I needed air. It was 6:34pm and the sun had disappeared. Eleven was inside and downstairs in the basement.

She thinks I'm getting water but, I needed to catch some air.

As my hands were placed in my pockets and I kicked around a few pebbles, I heard some humming....

My head looked up. I saw Y/N walking around the end of the street, she was heading home.

"Y/N!" I yelled and smiled. Quickly she made her way over,

She couldn't stop smiling. Was it because of me?

"Hey Wheeler, What are you doing out here? I thought El was with you- She's inside. So, what did you and Will do?" I asked interrupting Y/N.

She grinned and excitedly jumped

"Just some fun stuff and got some Ahoy. Also, Mike guess what?! He kissed me, Will actually kissed me... My first kiss was perfect." Y/N explained,

She was so happy. So, I had to be happy for her.

"Your first kiss? Wow, sounds great Y/N. Will is gonna treat you right and he'll take good care of you... I love you, and I want what's best for you." I mumbled,

Y/N sniffled and inhaled a breath.

"I want what's best for you as well. I love you more." Y/N replied.

I got this tingly sensation. She loved me.

-Here ya go! 💀

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