Mike° Changes /3/

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Summary: Read Previous (Y/N tells the boys about how she feels)

Mike POV

"Mike, stop staring at her!" Eleven spoke. I raised my brows and turned my head to face El,

Eleven caught my attention.
I stopped starring at Y/N and focused on trying to eat my lunch,

"Why do you keep staring?" Will whispered as he nudged my arm.
I gulped and faced Y/N's direction again, she was sitting with a group of some of the popular girls, they were also surrounded by other boys.

"The whole point of Y/N hanging out with a different group is to get away from boys right? Well then, what is she doing allowing those dudes to chill with her." I explained and pointed.

Lucas faced me.

"I think what Y/N meant was that, she needed to get away from us... Also, those dudes don't treat her like a dude, they treat her like a girl- I treat her like a girl, she's my best friend, I'm suppose to treat her like a princess... Which I do." I spoke interrupting Lucas.

Lucas gave me a look and so did Eleven.

"I'm your princess." El mentioned, I agreed to what she said.

"Yes, Yes you are but Y/N is also my princess, in a way. She's my best friend El, remember?" I whispered staring at El.

Dustin called for Y/N's name.

Y/N looked our way and smiled.
This nervous feeling had hit me, and all I wanted to do was to instantly hide as she stared towards our direction.

"Look at those guys flirting with her. Their only talking to her because she's dressed differently." I commented while rolling my eyes.

I took a step forward and wanted to walk over to
Y/N, but Will stopped me.

"Mike, let her be." Will spoke, I scoffed and brushed my fingers through my hair.

It was weird seeing my best friend like this, I didn't like the changes...


Hanging out with girls was so different. Specially older girls who weren't in my grade.
They didn't get my Science Jokes or my D&D references,

"So, today after school we're all going to Jason's house for a party... there's going to be boys and maybe alcohol, you in?" Casey asked me with raised eye brows.

I gulped and shrugged my shoulders,
"I can't, I have homework to do." I said making up an excuse. Casey just frowned, she then smiled after.

"Next time then!" Casey whispered. I agreed and just faked a smile.

Yeah, I wasn't going to drink alcohol tonight.

Mike POV

School was over...and by the time I got home, I over heard Nancy talking about a party. Nancy was going out tonight... most likely to that damn party.

Quickly, I ran to my walkie talkie.

"Urgent meeting boys, Meet me now!" I spoke before chucking my walkie talkie onto my bed.

While I was waiting for the boys, Nancy decided to leave for the party. I continued to bite down on my nails just thinking about Y/N even attending a party like that.

Banging noises were placed onto my door. I ran over and swung it open to see the boys.

Lucas gave me a weird look,
"Mike, Why did you call an urgent meeting now?" Lucas spoke, I gulped.

"I over-heard Nancy talking about a party tonight, at Jason Henson's and we all know what seniors do at parties... Also, I heard that Y/N is going." I explained.

Will and Dustin cringed, "Alcohol, drugs and sex." Dustin muffled.

My eyes rolled, "Yeah, we can't allow our best friend to do that!" I demanded.


I sighed and stood up,
" Y/N! Take out the trash!" Mom pleaded.

I grabbed the trash bags and headed for the back door.
As I made my way to the side of the house, I could hear some voices in the dark, some familiar voices...

My head turned, I then realised it was the boys. They were outside in the Wheelers drive-way talking...

I was in the dark as well, so they couldn't see me...well, I don't think they could.

"So, your plan is to bike to Jason's party and then what? Go inside and get Y/N? What's your plan Mike?" Lucas whispered.

I raised my brows and decided to step a little closer, I needed to hear some more.

"I don't have a plan, but If Y/N is at that party having fun, then we have to take her home. I don't want guys all over her." Mike explained and then looked down at his watch.

"She can't turn into...." Mike didn't finish his sentence. Will then stepped closer to Mike.

"Into what? Say it." Will asked, Mike rolled his eyes, from what I could see.

"Into those slutty girls. The ones who party every single night and drink. And haven't you seen the way she acted today? She flirted with every boy who gave her attention!?!" Mike replied bluntly.

It was hard to swallow, I felt a dry lump in my throat.

I felt hurt that Mike would even think I'd turn into a girl like that. It's only been one freaking day since my change of style and he thinks I'm like that?

I frowned and couldn't believe them. I couldn't believe Mike..

I took a few steps forward and made myself present, the boys all turned around and faced me.

"What is wrong with you? You'd really think I'd turn into one of 'those girls' Mike? It hasn't even been one full day of me being a real girly girl and you've already ruined it." I explained and exhaled a breath.

Mike walked towards me but I nodded a no.

"I don't think you can fix this Mike." I whispered before walking off.

-just picture Mikes salty and petty look as Y/N walks away.

-here's part 3 :,) lmao

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