Chapter 8
We arrived at the headquarters and I let the bubble disappear. And after it popped I got the urge to run away. But I didn't. Instead I caught Alex in my arms. At first I thought I could hold them. But due to the fact that I am very weak without my magic. And I'm too tired to use my magic. I fell to the ground. I groaned and used my tail to carry them. I brushed my clothes off and grabbed Kayden's hand. The motorcycle disappeared into black ink. I went down to my room so I could check up on Alex. I felt flowers scratching its way up my throat with every step I took. I missed them so much. They probably still hate me. The flowers started to become worse. I quickly got out my first aid kit and started the check up. They seem to be fine. They still have red hair...I smiled a bit. Then they started to stir in their sleep. I moved away from them and I put on my mask. "Ughhh my head..." I must have put too much sleeping gas in the bubble. "I apologize for the headache. I must have made a small mistake" they tensed up as they looked in my direction. It was quiet for a moment. "You look really familiar." I felt a petal on my tongue and I got scared knowing that one more word from my mouth and I'll throw up a garden of flowers. I noticed they tensed up even more. "Why is there flowers in your throat?" Wait. How did they know? No time for questions. I swallows all the flowers as far as I could. "Don't worry about that. Your probably confused on why your here. Welcome to Madness Headquarters. Home to the Most famous murders. The Artist and The Actor." I mumbled a bit. "Even though the actor doesn't kill" I went back to my blank monotone facade. "You have been chosen to become one of us." "Why would I do that?" They asked. "Well if you don't. I'll have to slit your throat" i said pulling my mask down so they can see the blood on my teeth. I smiled my evil smirk as they visible shuttered. They awkwardly moved away from me. "Haha okay" My ear twitched when I heard footsteps. Looks like I have to wrap this introduction up quick. "So you in or what?" They nodded their head. "First off you have a Insanity name right?" They nodded once again. "Okay" there was a moment of silence and then they asked me the question... "what's your actual name?"....
I froze up. "It's...Jadah..." "...well then." We awkwardly stared at each other. "Yo my dude how you doin?" I mentally face palmed and sighed. They really have changed. Kayden awkwardly shuffled over to me and hugged my waist. I pat her head. 'It feels like someone smashed my head with a huge-as-hell hammer and tied my ankles together for a week.' I looked at Kayden and face plamed. "Kay. This is not the time to be complaining." She staggers for a brief moment, with barely enough energy to stand. I sighed and put my arm around Kayden's waist. Alex looked at Kayden and slightly waved. Kayden waved back and then the awkward silence continued. "ADDDY!" I all I saw was a flash of black and someone was clinging to me. I looked over to see joey hugging my side. "SHE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!" He buried his faces into my hair as I tried to push him off. Ve (nick name for Veronica) came in with a giant axe and scary look. Alex suddenly ripped him off of me and threw him at Ve. "YOU GO HANDLE IT MRS. PRETEND-TO-BE-DEAD!" They yelled as they dragged me away from him. I rolled my eyes and decided to go help Kayden before I deal with Ve and Joey. I picked her up and carried her to a chair in our room. I sat her down and grabbed my bag. I took out the bandages and bandage her foot. "Don't move. I'll be back"
I walked back to my side where Alex is yelling at a beat up Joey. I sighed and saw Ve look satisfied. She really did a number on him. I used blood magic to pick up the half dead joey and sat him on my bed. I hugged Alex. "It's good to see you again but there is something that you need to I don't go by Jadah anymore. Two Joey doesn't know that I'm his so called girlfriend." Alex awkwardly moved away "Okay...why didn't you tell him? I thought you loved him?" "I'm scared but I don't want to talk about it right now. You're going to have to bunk with us until I can get you a room." "Okay...Cheddar." ...they remembered my embarrassing nickname....oh god damnit. I rolled my eyes and summoned another bed. "Ve you can go now. I can take care of everything." She nodded and walked out of my room with a bright smile on her face.

When Insanity Strikes
Horror2018. A poison spread across the world. They named it XBD-478. Or as we know it, Insanity. It reached a large part of a small town called Valley. That's where it all started. The world collapsed. Everything became chaos. Our government system f...