I felt Kayden stir against me. I open one eye. Her tail was now wrapped around herself. I smiled and tried to sit up. She hissed when I did so I stayed down. I decided to do something that I haven't done in so long....I licked her ear.
She shudders and her ear twitches, hitting my face. "Don't do that," she grumbles under her breath. Hair covers her face but I know she's glaring at me. She huffs. "Payback I'm guessing?" She asks, her voice sounding like she swallowed sandpaper.
I grin and nod. "Now we're even." Next is Alex. I moved my hand a little. But it didn't work. I forgot they're a heavy sleeper.
I licked their cheek and they instantly got up and squeaked. "DANG IT ADDY STOP DOING THAT!" I laughed as I moved my wings and sat up. I yawned and stretched as I lift myself up and over Alex. I purposely rolled on them just to irritate them. They huffed and poked my wing when I turned my back to them. I silently squeaked and quickly got away from them. I suddenly heard a loud boom. Oh god it sounded l- "ADDDDDDDY" Veronica.... suddenly the door busted down and it was to late for me. I got tackled into a massive hug and I tried to get out. But Ve has a strong grip. She squeezed me tight and she was hugging my stomach. We were both on the ground thanks to her. I sighed when my shirt become wet. I heard silent sobs coming from one of the strongest people in this apocalyptic world. Kayden sits up, bedhead still messy as ever. She looks at Ve and blinks. Can I help with this or...? I looked up at Kayden to find that she was playing with Crowley, who tries to bite her hand. I shook my head as I patted Ve's back. She continued to cry as I comforted her. Soon, her crying was the only sound in the room.
I softly smiled and thought it was time that I used my new ability to help. I whistled a small tune and I could feel the air relax. I could feel Ve calming down as she hesitantly let go. I smiled down at her and she smiled back brightly. "I missed you so much. Why didn't you tell me blaze was back?! I could have helped you....you know..." I winced a little. I didn't want to explain what happened. "It's fine. I'm here now and that's all that matters." I kissed her forehead and she smiled at me. "Well. You're still going to be the next leader for The Madness House right?" I smiled brightly. "OF COURSE I WILL BE!" I yelled excitedly, scaring Alex and Kayden, who were speaking quietly to each other. In a flash I was being held up in the air and arms were around my waist. I giggled as I was spun around. I let my wings stretch out. "WOOOOOAH YOU FINALLY GREW YOUR WINGS!" Ve yelled excitedly. My mom had wings before she died and it was a tradition that I would grow my wings. I laughed as she examined my wings. She set me down and I was suddenly tackled once more. This time it was a giant wolf. I squeaked as it looked at me with bloodlust in its eyes. I glared back at it and suddenly it licked my face. I couldn't help but bust out laughing. The wolf turned into a boy. I realized it was the one person I was scared of. He looked so different. He looked...happier. He smiled down at me and kissed my nose. He got up and helped me up. He hugged me tightly as I felt my heart race. "I'm glad to have you back...Kitten." He still uses that nickname... is my old Vincent back? Is he really happy again? The toxic in his body...it didn't take over? I'm so happy. To have my Vincent back. I hugged him a bit tighter. I didn't want to ever let go. Someone cleared their throat as I looked by the door. There were a lot of people in the doorway....wait did...Ve actually did it didn't she? She made a army. I'm proud. I let go of Vincent and looked at the people who were at the door. "Hello I'm Addy. The next leader of The Madness Warehouse."??? Pov
I listened from the tree above the warehouse. I watc- listened as everyone was moving around. But there was one voice that stuck out. "Hello I'm Addy. The next leader of The Madness Warehouse." I thought she was with Blaze? I growled as I punched the tree. I could feel eyes on me. It felt like they were Meriane's eyes. I quickly made myself disappear as I walked back to the witch shack.Addy Pov
I talked to all the new people as I smiled brightly. There are so many new people. They all have amazing personalities. Suddenly my stomach loudly growled and I felt sick to my stomach...I haven't eaten for like....a month. I looked at Ve and she knew the look in my eyes. She grabbed my hand and lead me to the new cafeteria. It was a lot bigger and it was decorated with gold. I looked over and saw all of our portraits on the wall. Mine was next to Ve and Kayden was above me. Alex was beside me. I smiled at this and walked to get some food. I grabbed a chocolate latte and some chocolate cake. It's been a while since I've had some sweets. I sat down at a table and immediately people surrounded me. They all talked to me at once as I picked up the spoon and ate my cake (Yes I eat cake with a spoon fight me). Everything is going so fast. I...kinda missed it when there wasn't this many people. I sighed and Alex (who's been following me everywhere) put their hand on my back. "You okay?" I nodded and they hugged my side. "If you ever need me I'm here for you." They whispered in my ear. I smiled and said "I'll be here for you too." They smiled at me and ate their Mac and cheese.{Time skip-Lights outs}
I put on my shorts as I noticed something. My heart started to ache as I fell to the floor. The pain was unbearable. I felt my eyes burn as tears flooded them. The burning in my throat grew as I started hyperventilating. Joey. The person who I loved. He's gone. I haven't seen him all day. And I hurt him. I almost killed him. I felt flowers quickly rise out of my throat as I sat on the cold floor choking. I tried to rip the flowers out of my throat but it felt like ripping out organs. My lungs started to burn as I gasped for air. Suddenly I felt myself flashback.
I ran out of the car as my mom told me to slow down. I was so excited for the dance. I wanted to slow dance with Joey as I spun around in my dress. I arrived at the dance and the school was decorated amazingly. I felt my phone vibrate as I looked down at it Where are you? I looked around and saw a person near the bleachers texting. It was him. I quickly walked over to him as my mom walked with me. I tapped him and he looked up at me and hugged me. I hugged back as I giggled. He handed me something when we pulled back. It was a red rose. My favorite flower. I held it to my chest closely. I was so happy he remembered. My mom took the rose saying that she was going to put it in my room for me. I smiled as joey went to go talk to his friends. I went of on my own and everything else was a blur. Until. I had to leave. I remember kissing his cheek for the first time. My world burst into the brightest colors I've ever seen when I kissed him. The first person I put my lips on. A memory I will cherish.
Little did I know that the memory will now haunt and hurt me. I screamed as I tried to tug the flowers out. I felt my lungs shift uncomfortably when I tugged. I tugged as hard as I could. What I didn't realize is that they were stuck to my lungs. I felt sharp thorns penetrating my lungs. I felt thorns crawl out of my throat. I coughed up dark black blood and roses as I passed out on the bathroom floor. The mixture of red and black was amazing.
Kaydens PoV
I stalked the shadows. I knew them like the back of my hand. My ears twitch at every sound, but not enough to draw attention to myself. I slipped out when everyone crowded around addy. I couldn't handle that many people. I may be an actor, but I've never witnessed so many people around me at once. A low hiss escaped through bared fangs. Something is not right. My tail swishes back and forth, waiting on someone to creep up behind me. I stand stiffly, like a spring ready to burst. My eyes scan the streets and my mind wanders elsewhere.
Should I be mad at her? She left us behind for that strange woman without a trace. I wonder if she ever thought of us and how we felt on the situation.
I narrow my eyes angrily.
Depending on how she reacted to me, she probably forgot about us. Fine by me. She probably had her reasons anyway.
Even in my head, the sarcasm is strong. I blink, breaking my trance.
I look over the street again. I'm not looking for a face. I'm looking for a particular pair of eyes. I caught a glimpse of them from my spot outside. No one noticed that I left.
But who cares about what I do anymore. I stayed in my room for most of the eight months. I could probably count four notebooks with graph paper that are filled with symmetrical patterns. It was really the only thing that helped. And talking to Alex. The times when I did both erased my problems.
I sigh. I don't have time to think about that. At least not right now.
Suddenly 'Addy' was back. But with me, knowing her like the back of my hand, it wasn't really her. I noticed her eyes looked like the ones I saw earlier. They were Grey and blank. 'Addy' went back to talking to her little group of friends. I noticed she took glances at me and her eyes would turn a forest green every time she did. I glared at her when I suddenly heard someone behind me. "You noticed it too right?" I looked up and saw Vincent's shadow. I looked at him and saw he was staring at me. I nodded.

When Insanity Strikes
Horreur2018. A poison spread across the world. They named it XBD-478. Or as we know it, Insanity. It reached a large part of a small town called Valley. That's where it all started. The world collapsed. Everything became chaos. Our government system f...