I let Kayden out of the water bottle and into a fish tank in the middle of the table. I decide to change Justin's bag from a plastic bag to a brown paper bag I found on the floor. I quickly drew a picture on it and made him face my stomach. If I change it quick enough he won't attack me or anyone here. I put both my gloves on to make sure I didn't hurt him. I changed the bags out and busted out laughing. I drew a dick on the bag. Bubbling came from behind me and Kayden's head stuck out of the water. The rest of her body was indistinguishable in the tank. I patted Kayden's head—causing my glove to get wet—and sat on the couch next to the table. Justin followed my sound movements and Kayden bubbled at him angrily, not trusting him whatsoever. Her water pulled me closer to her and got my cloak soaked in the process. She gave me a watery kiss on the forehead and narrowed her eyes at Justin and every other male in the room. I chuckled and I felt heat close to me. I turned to see a burning Himeros. "Share." he said glaring at Kayden. He was on fire. And I mean literally. He's probably SCP-457, The Burning Man. Kayden's watery form begins to boil. Himeros grabbed my weird black leg and dragged me out of Kayden's grasp. The water in the tank sloshed around, her head disappearing into the blue liquid. Himeros pulled me in a warm, fire-filled hug and held onto me. He was extremely clingy. He's worse than Kayden. I groaned in pain and my body felt as if I was on fire. I hate being hot. I heard Kayden splash in her tank and a bit of water got on Himeros and I and he hissed at it. He let go of me and held the place he got burned. She made another bubbling sound that I could decipher as a snicker. Ve...Wait. That's a giant wolf creature looking thing...Oh...It's Ve...She's the only person with a nose piercing. "Addy. What the hell happened to us." Ve said. Her voice was A LOT deeper. Hmmm must be Scp-682. "I don't know. I just went to bathroom and I looked in the mirror and I was like this. Kayden appeared out of nowhere and Justin was a lot more violent. And taller. And scarier." Kayden's head popped up when I mentioned her name and she tilted it to the side. Ve looked at Justin and started laughing, causing the ground to shake. I reached out to the fish tank Kayden was in and I held it steady, seeing that she was panicked. Ve stopped laughing and used her claw to wipe a tear away. "I doubt Justin is THAT terrifying" She said reaching for his bag, which still had a dick on it. Kayden disappeared into the fish tank as Ve SNATCHED the bag off of Justin's head. She made the mistake of looking him in his eyes...He grew into his Scp form once more and jumped at her face. Ve screeched and threw him to the ground. I took my gloves off and tackled Justin to the ground. I raked my hand through his hair. He screeched and I covered his eyes. I used my beak to softly kiss his forehead. I put the bag back over his head and he calmed down. Kayden's eyes appeared over the waterline, glaring at Justin and Himeros. Himeros was still in pain. And I was still on top of Justin. I put my gloves back on and got off of him. I dragged him onto the couch and Kayden aggressively splashed at him. She leaned out of the tank and I'm guessing she sighed, which was another strange bubbling sound. I'm slowly learning all of these bubbling sounds. I heard a low growl and looked to see a wolf. It looked like Vincent but bigger. Kayden looked at him but did nothing. She was actually calm. Weird. Suddenly a bunch of plant's burst through the door and Alex looked annoyed as they walked in. "I fucking hate this." Kayden's gaze moved to Alex and she waved a hand at them. She paused, thinking. She held up her hands and..used sign language! We all know it here for some strange reason. "C a l m d o w n. K n o c k o v e r t h i s t a n k a n d I w i l l d r o w n y o u. B e s i d e s, y o u a r e n t a m u t e p u d d l e o f w a t e r." she slipped out of the tank, taking somewhat solid form. Her arms crossed, water flinging everywhere, and Himeros hissed when It touched him. She barely smirked and leaned her back against the tank. Alex glanced at Justin and Ve sighed. "Addy and Justin know more about this than we do." All eyes were on me now. "I honestly don't know how this happened all I know is our special abilities were replaced with Scp ability. I also know which Scp is which but that's all the info I have." I patted Justin's head with my gloved hand and continued to talk. "Justin can't really help due to the fact that he is Scp 096. That means if you look him in the eye he will probably try and kill you. He also can't really talk... Kayden" I heard bubbly giggles when I said her name. "Is Scp 054. She can only communicate through bubbling sounds or sign language. Plus she also doesn't like any males in this room." Next was Alex. "Alex is probably Scp-1100. Their plants are getting out of control and they are more aggressive than usual." Alex began to mumble how they hated everything and how they hated human. "I am Scp 049. If I touch you...You die. Then there is a likely chance that I will experiment on your body. I am the cure to everything." My voice changed for a second and Kayden splashed water everywhere. "Ve is Scp 682. She's undestroyable. Vincent is Scp 3609. He's just a very large wolf. I haven't really read his file" Kayden started bubbling again and water flicked off her hands. I think she was trying to snap but there's clearly complications with that. She waved her arms around instead, getting everyone's attention and she stood on the table. "W e n e e d t o w o r k t o g e t h e r u s i n g t h e s e n e w a b i l i t i e s. S t a y p o s i t i v e. I t l l o n l y g e t w o r s e I f w e d o n t w o r k t o g e t h e r a s a t e a m." She looked at Alex. "T h a t a t t i t u d e w o n t h e l p e i t h e r. L i s t e n t o t h e o n e s w h o a c t u a l l y k n o w a b o u t t h i s. " She stepped down and the water barely started boiling. It was silent for a moment and then Ve had to say something "Can we take a moment to acknowledge Justin's bag." "I m s u r e e v e r y o n e h a s a c k n o w l e g e d t h e b a g a t l e a s t o n c e." "But...It's just so amazing..." I have no regrets.
When Insanity Strikes
Horror2018. A poison spread across the world. They named it XBD-478. Or as we know it, Insanity. It reached a large part of a small town called Valley. That's where it all started. The world collapsed. Everything became chaos. Our government system f...