(The Halloween Speical will end till the last day of October. All of it is written in Addy's Pov)
FUCK. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? I looked down at my steampunk-ish dress as I tried to take the crow looking mask off. I screamed in pain. It felt like it was sticking to my skin. A puddle of bright blue water came in and It slowly came together to form a person..Kayden! "Kayden! Aidez moi! Ce masque est coincé! Aussi que se passe-t-il avec vous?" My eyes widened at my voice. I was speaking French and I'm not even fluent in it. Kayden's image shimmered and appeared watery. She stayed silent and tilted her head, confused. I sighed. It seems we have turned into Scp. OH! Maybe Justin can help us out! He knows about this stuff too. I ran to his room, tripping a few times on my cloak. I knocked on his door and no one answered. I heard growling and the sound of something being torn apart. I entered the room to make sure everything was alright and I was meet with an interesting sight. Justin was now a lot taller than he use to be. His eyes were a white color and it terrified me. When my eyes met his he turned away and started mumbling to himself. WAIT! SCP-096...Uh-oh... I slowly started backing my way out and his head snapped and turned to me. I tried to run but he grabbed the back of my hood with his hand. How dare he put his Pestilence on me? Just as he was about to rip me to shreds I took my glove off and brushed my hand against his arm. He hissed and let go of me and I glared at him. He growled and we glared at each other. He circled me and I stood my ground. I blinked and he was suddenly on top of me. My arms were pinned on either side of me and he growled. I used my mask to my advantage and I used the beak of it to poke his eye. He screamed in pain and his grip on my hands loosened. I slipped one of my hands out and put it on his forehead. "DON'T YOU DARE PUT YOUR PESTILENCE ON ME! I WILL CURE YOU" He screamed in pain at the contact of my hand and he quickly scurried to a corner. I picked myself up and walked over to him. I grabbed him by his hair and made him look at me. My eyes felt as if they were burning. He screamed and I let go of him. What was I doing? This is my boyfriend. I shouldn't hurt him... The burning stopped in my eyes when I put a bag over his head and he slowly was turning back to normal. "Addy..." I was going to take the bag off, thinking that he would be fine. His hand stopped mine and he leaned into me. His head was on my stomach. "Don't... I don't want you to see me." His voice was scratchy and kinda hot...kinda like a morning voice... I shook my head and I saw the blue puddle again. Kayden's face was in the midst of the puddle. I moved away from Justin and went closer to Kayden. I sighed as the water wrapped around me. It felt like she was trying to hug me. I grabbed as much water as I could in an attempt to hug her back. She must be 054. And Of course I had to be 049. I sighed again and Kayden got off of me and She slowly reformed into her human form, which was made entirely out of water. We need to figure out why this is happening. She hid behind me when she saw Justin. Not only because of what he became but because of being male. This is going to be tough. I grabbed Justin by the collar with my gloved hand and Kayden hissed at him. It was more of a bubbling sound but it still counts. I dragged both of them—more like dragged Justin and let Kayden slip into a water bottle that I found in the kitchen—to the living room and there we saw I bunch of other members, who have turned into Scps. This is going to be a long week.

When Insanity Strikes
Horror2018. A poison spread across the world. They named it XBD-478. Or as we know it, Insanity. It reached a large part of a small town called Valley. That's where it all started. The world collapsed. Everything became chaos. Our government system f...