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erika's pov

i'm currently sitting at home on the couch, devouring a bag of chips. the first day of school is tomorrow, and i'm not wasting time. everyone eats chips before school.

i'm not excited for school. daniel and his group would probably be after me. only me. last year, i had to use
over 17 bottles of foundation to cover my bruises. hopefully i won't have to waste so much money again.

my brother, justin, walked down the stairs and laughed. "why are you staring at the t.v.?" he asked, taking a chip from my bag. "it's not even on."

"i'm thinking about school." i said, making him frown. "daniel isn't going to bother you this year. i think he's going somewhere else." justin said and rubbed my shoulder before walking back up to his room.

i hope so.

i put a clip back onto the chip bag and shoved it back into the cupboard. it was just me and my brother living here, managing food and space. our parents traveled around for work, so we moved.

we get to see them about 3 times a year which is fine with me. they have high expectations for my brother and i, and they always judge our lifestyle when they enter our apartment.

i jogged up the stairs to my room and shut the door. i grabbed my iphone 8 off my nightstand and connected it to my bose wireless speaker. my brother was the only one who understood what music i played, so i kept it on volume 6. 

i played my melanie martinez playlist off spotify and put my phone back down. i laid on my bed, facing the ceiling with my hands behind my head on my pillow.

'daniel's going somewhere else'

the words played and played around in my head. i'm wishing that they can come true, but i doubt it, and my doubts were usually correctly opinionated on.

i stared down at my thin, dark grey leggings and pulled my dark blue hoodie down over my waistline. i took my socks off and tossed them into my laundry basket, pulling my hood over my head. i sent my streaks and turned out my light.

i closed my eyes and tried to flood daniel out of my head, but it didn't work. sleeping was rough, but when i finally managed it, it was like i couldn't wake up.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

my eyes flutter open and i crush the stop button on my digital alarm. i turn the light on and throw my feet over the side of the bed.

oh dang. i started my monthly cycle in my sleep. i'm so stupid, i should have grabbed a pad. i crumple up the sheets and blankets up in my arms and take them to the washer.

i grab a large, thick blanket from the cabinet above and drag it to my room. i fold it and put it on my bed. it's about 4 in the morning, so i have time. i quietly walk down the stairs and pour myself a bowl of cereal.

after i finish it, i go back up stairs and shut the door. i look at my speaker. i guess justin had come in and turned it off, because it wasn't playing.

i change into a white crop top, short enough to hang over my belly button. i match it with skinny black jeans that were long enough to connect with my white no-show socks. (i used a tampon before)

i don't really do makeup, but i want to make a good first impression for new kids. i use highlighter and apply base and nude colored eyeshadow. i seem a little dark, so i add a light pink blush.

i grab my bookbag and put some extra pads in a little pocket at the bottom of the bigger side. i shove in some notebooks, along with a regular book and a phone charger. i toss in my pencil box, binder, extra deodorant, a phone charger, and lotion.

i put my needed accessories on the smaller side and put my bookbag strap over my shoulder. it's 5. i walk downstairs and sat my heavy book bag on a kitchen chair and slide on my new red checkered vans.

i pull out my phone and send my streaks before starting on my lunch. i know from experience that the school lunch is disgusting. i made a turkey, cheese, lettuce, mayo sandwich and place it neatly in a plastic ziploc bag.

i wrap an aprium in a napkin and place it safely in my blue, square lunch box with my sandwich. (an aprium is a apricot mixed with a plum and they're good 🤤)

i pour some cheddar sun chips in a sandwich sized ziploc bag and place them on top of everything inside. i zip it up and grab my wallet off the counter. theres money in it, as always, so i put it in my bookbag for the vending machine.

my parents are rich. they're doctors, sports doctors, for the eagles, and they split half of their earnings in our separate bank accounts. we don't have jobs, so we really need it.

justin came hobbling down the stairs, pajamas and all. "why are you ready this early?" he asked, sitting at the marble kitchen counter. i pull out a bowl and spoon for justin and set them in front of him.

"its only 5:20." i said, pulling out cereal and grabbing milk from the fridge. "i guess it is a little early..." "i know. i'm always right." justin replied and i playfully slapped him after giving him the food supplies.

"i'm going to drive there now. i wanna be there by 6." i said and grabbed my keys from out of a bowl, taking them to my bookbag. "you have time to spare." he answered. i gave him a brother-sister 'trust me' look before leaving with all my things.

written august 8/5/18
edited august 8/5/18
published august 8/5/18

1027 words

alright chickees, hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

"she say do you love me" ~g

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