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erika's pov

i drove as fast as i could towards the house. "what's going on...?" i heard regina mutter from the back. "we're taking you to my apartment, just close your eyes and rest," i told her and parked at my regular spot.

she fell back asleep or passed out, i couldn't tell, but i picked her up and we entered the apartment building.

regina's pov

i could faintly remember being brought into a air conditioned building. my leg stung like crap and i had trouble breathing. i was wrapped in erika's warm arms as a dizzy feeling took over me.

i figured we were in the elevators, as we were going up. i was taken down a hallway, just a little ways, and into an apartment. i was engulfed in cold air and was laid onto a couch, pressure on my injury.

now i know this.

i didn't pass out, but everything turned black, and when i opened my eyes, i was in my room.

short, but this'll add up later and school is rlly making me busy 🤷🏽‍♀️

written idek, 9/8/18

edited 9/8/18

published 9/9/18

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