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erika's pov

i pushed through the crowd of people and stormed up to daniel. "excuse me," i said, gaining his and zach's attention. zach covered his mouth and daniel looked at me wide-eyed. "erik-" i cut him off.

"daniel, first you come trying to apologize to me this morning," he and the students listen. "then, you sit by me in english, clingy much, and last, you bully my friend? what's wrong with you?" i've never done this, but i had the courage now, i think.

i drew back my hand and slapped him hard across the cheek. he feel back into zach in shock, while i gripped mackenzie's arm and pulled her away. the crowd of classmates oooh'ed and gasped.

"sometimes you have to smack some sense into that kid," i said, making mackenzie smile.

daniel's pov

of course i was upset when erika said no to my apology but i told myself to shake it off. you know, before her brother punched me in the eye. i was lucky it wasn't swelled up. then it got to me.

i saw sad. an unfamiliar feeling to me. i sat by her in english because i saw the empty seat. i was trying to work up the courage to say something, halfway hoping she'd say it first, but english passed by too quickly. i was the first to leave.

i passed my locker and found mackenzie. walking from religion. before i let her pass, i pushed her against the lockers. "hey mackenz-, oh wait, your name is moron i recall?" i grab her left arm, causing her to drop her books. zach came over to me.

"here we go again," he said. students gathered around as we went on. "mackenzie, do me a favor and take care of that friend of yours. she won't talk to me," i said.

mackenzie pulled her arm out of my grip. "i wouldn't do anything for you," she snapped and tried walking away but i pushed her back. "why did you come back here?" i spat. "to fail classes? get lost."

"excuse me," i had a familiar voice behind me. zach pokes my shoulder and i turned and looked at, oh, "erik-" she didn't let me finish. "daniel, first you come trying to apologize to me this morning," she said with a look of confusion in her green eyes. "then, you sit by me in english, clingy much, and last, you bully my friend? what's wrong with you?"

i didn't think she would ever, but she slapped me. i felt a strong force push me back, thankfully not onto the floor, into the hands of zach. she pulled makenzie away, shoving other students to the side.

the people made noises, and i felt embarrassed. i got up from zach and pushed past the others and towards my locker.

written 8/15/18

edited 8/15/18

published 8/15/18

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