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erika's pov

the situation became awkward, so i left daniel on the couch and headed for my room. with tears in my eyes, i shut my door lightly and jumped onto my bed. "what do you want me to do?" dani interrupted, opening my door. i squeezed my pillow and buried my face in it.

"figure out why i'm stuck here with you and how to undo it all."

"erika, are you saying you want to forget everything that's happened?"

i stayed silent.

"i... i thought we were okay. i mean, you kissed me twice."

i sat up and stared at him in disgust. "seventy five percent of that time you forced yourself on me," i threw my hands in the air, signaling frustration. "a daniel-erika relationship would never, ever work."

i saw the sadness in his eyes before he looked down. "you're right. we should take it slow. would you mind if we... you know, started over?" i looked up with him and put my hand on the back of my neck.



i awoke the next morning feeling sick. my regular cup of coffee was on my nightstand, so i took it. daniel wasn't next to me, so i left the room and shut the door. i figured he went home, but when i hit the last step, he sat straight up from the couch.

"y-you slept over?"

daniel gave a small smile.


"please... i really feel bad. let's not mention last night."

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