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erika's pov

"seriously daniel? you think we have everything?" i asked, escaping his arms and turning around to face him. "there's nobody to stop us," he shrugged and got comfortable on my bed.

i put my hands on my hips and stared at him. "well, i dont know if i'd want to do everything that i could with my bully," i said, giving him a deadly look that said, "yes, that's you".

i walked over to him and pointing to the door. "get out, and get off of my bed," i said. he was staring up at the ceiling, and after i attempted to kick him out, he slowly positioned his head over to me, our eyes locked.

he took hold of my arm and pulled me in. and for the second time in these two horrifying days, we kissed.


i opened my eyes, blinded from the sunlight seeping through the blinds. i guess i had forgotten to shut them. i wanted to move, but a firm arm was dead-lock wrapped around my waist, trapping me.

i looked down at the arm and smiled, thinking it was alexander harshington, my number one crush and victim of my uncontrollable stalking.

that all ended when i remembered time paused and daniel and i were the only ones left on earth.

i almost shrieked. i was really close, but i thought back to the kiss we had the last night.

it made me feel like i was outside, breeze blowing my hair around, music in my ears as i was with my partner, but who would my partner be? i knew it was daniel and me kissing, but i could never be with him... right?

"hey sleepyhead," a deep, morning-scratched voice said from behind my head. "i'm not sleepy, in fact, roles reversed because you are," i said, pulling his arm off my waist.

i felt an uncomfortable feeling in my rib cage. i looked down my shirt. dangit, i left my bra on. i guess it's better off if daniel seavey was sleeping in my bed.

i walked over to my dresser and took out short, black nike shorts and a plain white t-shirt. i faced my closet after pulling out white, no-show socks out and changed.


daniel was still behind me, i can't believe i forgot.

"don't be thinking anything," i said and turned around, but the blue eyed boy was looking around my room.

"nevvvvermind," i said in my head, hoping he was lookin like that when i was changing.

"babe, i saw everything," he said and smirked at me.

"forget it, and don't call me babe," i said and pointed at him. i left my room and went downstairs, starting to heat up a pot of coffee.

when the liquid was ready, i poured two mugs of it and added things to mine, leaving the other on the counter to a groggy daniel who wobbled down the stairs.

he added his things as i sipped on it and sat on the couch. i turned the tv on and browsed through the channels.

nothing good was on, well, no one could update the channels, so i chose family guy.

"lois, i'm sock and tired of this jewish stuff," peter said from the tv.

"what's on?" daniel asked, sitting on the couch next to me. "if you'd open your eyes you would see," i laughed and continued watching my show.

you know, maybe daniel wasn't so bad.

(future erika- ^ i cannot believe i had the guts to say that to you guys.)

written 8/24/18

edited 8/24/18

published 8/24/18

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