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erika's pov

its the next day from, well, yesterday, and i'm feeling worse than ever. i cannot imagine what's going to happen after i see daniel. he'll interact as much as possible with me, and i'll be uncomfortable.

like, how do you prepare for that?

i wouldn't know. i hadn't told anybody (who didn't see) what happened, though i felt like i should. the events of yesterday slowed me down, and i arrived at 7:26-ish, not the usual. i sat at a bench, reading my book, when mackenzie trotted over.

"hey," she said. "what's up?" i smiled at her in reply, but didn't say anything. "how was school yesterday?" she asked. "i mean, i didn't see you..."

"a lot happened. a lot," i told her and shut my book after concluding she wouldn't shut up and let me read. "do you want to talk about it?" she asked. her questions seemed to be jabbing me in the face.

"it makes me feel uncomfortable, but okay..." i was about to start when the bell rang. i looked at my watch. jeez, already 8? "see you later," i said to the brown eyed girl and walked down to english class.

i sat at a desk and prayed daniel wouldn't be there, but he strolled in and kicked a boy out of the seat next to me. "hey erika," he said, winking at me. i looked away and rested my chin on my hand. i felt him squeeze my other, making me cringe.

jesus, he really liked me. when the teacher walked in, i managed to pull my hand out of his and place it on my english book. he looked at me, but i mouthed a pretty unenthusiastic 'dont'.

after english class, i took as long as i could but daniel wouldn't leave. the teacher finally shoo'ed the remaining students out, along with me and him. he followed behind me, to my locker. "why are you following me?" i asked. "i thought this was my new start," he said. "you kissed me. now we have to be friends."

"you kissed me." i explained.

"you leaned back in,"

"what the..." i looked around daniel to see a pretty ticked, confused brother of mine.

zach's pov

(1:28 am, earlier)

daniel// hey dude you up?

zach// well now i am thank you very much

daniel// i've been thinking

zach// uh oh

daniel// is it weird that erika's been on my mind?

zach// not if you  like her

zach// i mean

zach// yes it's weird. you're her bully

daniel// i thought we agreed to be over that

zach// sorry not sorry dude. she was your main victim

daniel// i feel like crap

i remembered back to the texts we had this morning, watching daniel and erika by her locker. little did they know her brother was right behind, listening into their conversation.

zach// daniel!!! behind you!!

i guess i was too late.

erika's pov

daniel turned around and justin immediately grabbed the collar of his black t-shirt. "come on justin, it's not what it looks like," i said. i gently pulled back on daniel's shoulder, urging my brother to let go.

"no, i need to know exactly what you're talking about," he said. "you don't need to be up in my business!" i snapped back, throwing my hands up level to my head in frustration.

"i do if it includes this jerk," he said, looking back at daniel. he drew his fist back, and i knew what was coming.

i wanted to stop him, but as soon as i moved, everything went black.

written 8/22/18

edited 8/22/18

published 8/22/18

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