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justin's pov

i drive to school. i left about 4 minutes after erika did. i mean, all i had to do was brush my hair and change. it's not much. i park and walk up to the building, entering where erika usually does.

i open the door and peer down the left side of the building, deciding to go to the right. that's where my sister would usually be anyway. i see her figure in the dim light, speed-walking towards the library.

but i stop dead in my tracks.

skinny. tall. daniel. seavey. i knew that erika probably thought the same thing when she looked up from her book at him. i walked closer and hid in shadows, eavesdropping on their conversation.

daniel seems to be apologizing about himself and what he caused for my sister, but i can tell she isn't going to forgive him that easily. i'm right. she grabs her bag and speeds away. i press myself against the wall so she can't see me, and when she's far enough an not looking, i make my move.

i set my bookbag down where i'm standing and jog quietly over to the regretful looking 2o-year-old. i grab the back of his shirt and pull him back out of chair down a dark empty hallway with a few lights lit.

"what do you think you're doing with my sister," i demand. i'm a little taller than him, and definitely stronger, but i've never had the thought of hurting him.

"i wanted to say sorry, and i want her to realize that i truly am, but please don't hurt me, i've changed," he says, trying to pull away from my grip. "daniel, if i see you around her again, i will send you to hell," and i hit him in the face.

he fell to the ground, and i had no time to look back because i ran off to my sister.

erika's pov

i pull out my book again, hoping i can read in peace. i finish the chapter before my brother comes butting into my story. "hey erika," he says. i greet him and we talk a little bit about the school year, but i just have to bring up daniel.

"wait, justin, you said daniel was going somewhere else," i say. he looks confused. "what, did you see him here?" he asks, but he seems to know what he's talking about.

okay, sudden change, but i'm writing in past tense. most of my stories are written like it, so this one is killing me.

"yeah, he came up to me in the library, saying some 'sorry' crap." i replied, shaking my head. justin became silent.

-1 hour later-

many students entered the building, making justin and i look up from our phones. that's right, we were just on our phones the whole time. i gave up the book for now.

my best friend, makenzie, walked in with her bookbag on her back. she stopped the bench i was sitting at and we exchanged big smiles. we hugged, absorbing the positive vibes from each other.

"i missed you!" we both said, almost in sync. we laughed it off, leaving two goodbyes with my brother and walking down the hallway to our lockers. we got there and put some supplies away, looking at each other's schedules.

i had english first, and she had math. i wonder who'd i'd be sitting next to this year...

written 8/10/18 - 8/14/18

edited 8/14/18

published 8/14/18

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