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daniel's pov

i watched as erika sipped her coffee and observed the projections on the tv. she was adorable, and hot. very hot.

her eyes glistened in the bright light from the tv, her smooth skin shining. i seem like i creep, don't i?

erika's pov

i laughed at the joke made on the tv show. this was fun, sitting at home with a jerk next to me, us both drinking caffeinated liquids. i smiled and looked over at daniel, who i caught looking at me.

he blushed and quickly looked away. he stared at the tv and tried to act like nothing happened. i blushed as well as he did, both of our faces as red as the others.

"i saw that lover boy,"

my phone vibrated in my back pocket. daniel looked over. "probably a notification, right?" he asked, and i nodded. he looked back at the show as i pulled out my phone.

but it wasn't a notification. it was regina.

regina// hey; is this erika?

erika//yes it is?

regina// hey, it's regina and i'm in deep trouble

erika// how are you texting me? i thought it was only daniel and i on earth right now...

regina// oh. well, i grabbed your number from the phone book before everything paused

erika// paused? well i'm glad to help you with whatever

regina// okay. i was driving out of school... don't ask why but when time paused, i couldn't see for a short amount of time


erika// oh no!! can you get out?

regina// my left is caught between between the seat and the airbag

regina// i guess since time paused the air bag decided to become rock solid 😭

erika// dw! daniel and i will come find you! do you see any street signs?

regina// it's the road right outside of the school, left side

i put my phone down and set my coffee on the coffee table. "daniel, i'm leaving whether you're coming or not." he gave me a confused look.

"regina, the new kid, is alive and stuck in a car crash. thanks to time in school, she's my friend." i explained and grabbed my car keys. "wait!" daniel said. "i guess... i'll come with you."


i drove as fast as i could without crashing over to the place regina said she had crashed. i saw a collision ahead and drove towards it. i parked and ran over to regina, who was half on the ground, half in the car, get leg i mean.

it looked at if she had been crying. "regina! are you okay?" i asked, kneeling down to her level. daniel walked over and observed her leg. "is it possible for an airbag to split your shin open?" he asked.

aaaaaaand regina fainted. i caught her in my arms and glared at daniel. "thanks a lot." i laid her in the grass and helped daniel try to remove her leg.

"this is hopeless, we'll never do this!" i said, almost given up. daniel pulled out a pocket knife and cut open the bag, air leaking out. "oh... well smart thinking," i said, rubbing my arm.

when the bag deflated, we pulled her leg out, car full of her shin. i picked her up and she seemed... surprisingly light. i carried her back to the car, daniel close behind. i laid her in the backseat and got in.

"we need to take her back to my house," i said to daniel. "i have gauze and wrap-around bandages."

and that's that. tune in for chapter 11

written 8/25/18

edited 8/25/18

published 8/25/18

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