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daniel's pov

"no no no you're fine," i gave erika a hug and she rested her head in my shoulder. "i love you...," she whispered.

i hugged her tighter and pulled her closer.

"i love you too,"

a second after i said that, i felt like everything was spinning, and soon things began to blur and blacken.

i couldn't see anything, and i couldn't feel erika in my grip anymore. i tried waving my arms around in front of me, but i was completely numb.

i felt like i was laying in the darkness for hours before my vision returned. erika was gone but her brother was in front of me. when my vision became more clear, i realized we were back in the school.

oh, wait. i wanted to start running to avoid the punch that would be coming in, but justin's hand was down. i turned my head slightly, and spotted erika looking around her. people besides her and me started moving.

"well, since everything's good between you two, i'll go so you guys aren't late," he said and turned, walking down to his locker. "did... did time turn back?" erika asked.

"and did we alter the past?"

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