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erika's pov

"she's... not dead, is she?" i asked, looking at regina. she was lying in he same position. "no," daniel immediately responded, looking over at the figure.

"she's frozen,"

"what?!" i yell. "she can't be!" she was the only thing keeping me sane for a little, AND i was hoping she would distract me from daniel. "you can't do anything, look!" he said, snapping, whistling, poking her, but he was right.

"oh my god, this is bad, now it's only us..." i said, pacing. "why is that such a bad thing?" said the smirky son of a...

"you look stressed," he said. "go upstairs and lay down, i'll drive regina to her house." "not with my car you won't," i said, hiding my keys behind my back.

"do you want me to walk?" he asked, concerned i'd say yes, but i'm not as mean as him. "fine," i tossed him the keys and took my shoes off as he picked up the unconscious girl.

i didn't see him leave, but i didn't notice him staying. i took his word and headed straight to my bedroom, settling myself under the covers. i closed my eyes, telling myself i'd think about the things that had just happened, but i quickly fell asleep.


the next morning, when i opened my eyes, a mug of steaming coffee sat on a coaster beside me on my nightstand. i sat up and groggily rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

i felt a little selfish taking the cup into my hands and sipping the hot drink, as i'd been so rude to daniel and he's now serving me in bed. no... i'm right. he's been a jerk for years and it's been two days.

i looked at my phone. it was still the same day but late at night. i sent my streaks and lay the device on my bed, taking myself and my beverage downstairs. daniel was curled up in a balancer on my couch, snoring lightly.

some netflix show i had never heard of was on, the characters talking quietly. i turned off my tv and walked over to the kitchen.

i silently placed my mug onto the countertop and scanned the fridge for a fruity snack. "morning sleepyhead," daniel said, his voice croaky with sleep. "says the sleepy one, and it's nighttime," i said. he yawned and stretched, checking the time on his phone.

"we both slept for a while, so it's the fair share," he said, stumbling over to me. i pulled out a container of strawberries and set it on the table next to my drink, closing the fridge and sitting at the kitchen counter.

"can we share?" daniel asked. "i'm hungry too." i nodded and we both pulled a strawberry out and ate it. "you know, i haven't always been mean," daniel stated, staring off at the fruit.

i'm sorry i'm a slow writer but if you like why don't we then read corbynsboomerang 's stories because i died reading them.

written 9/12/18

edited 9/12/18

published 9/12/18

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