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daniel's pov

i stared deep into erika's eyes as she thanked me.

deep. deeper. i couldn't look away. she hadn't noticed me staring in awe, but i noticed her doing the same. "it's... it's no problem," i said, recalling her question. she seemed shaken awake, and pulled her gaze to the ground.

"hey..." i said, tipping her chin back up. "you aren't embarrassed of me... are you?" she blushed, and shrugged. "you're like a new friend, someone i've known my whole life but never really met."

i smiled. i was glad she was over the past. we locked eyes again and seemed to be getting closer. but she put her hand on my chest. "um..." she said, her voice cracking. "we should probably unpack."

i nodded and started towards the groceries, and tried to hide my disappointment.

erika's pov

"ugh, my arms hurt," i said, flopping down on the couch and leaning my head back. "mine too," daniel replied, sitting next to em and putting his arm over my shoulder. i kept my head back and took a deep breath.

"do you ever wonder why we exist?" i blurted our, speaking my mind. "what, like me and you?" daniel asked, confusion tinted in his words.


"sometimes," daniel responded, looking at me. "like, why would we be created to have war and kill others of our kind? others of other kinds? you'd have to ask yahweh himself." i looked at daniel, thinking about what he said.

"that was wise..."

we sat in silence for a moment, considering our own questions and the possible answers. "i've always liked you," he said quietly. i raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "go on..."

"i... i don't know." he said, dozing off. "i guess i've just always been scared." "daniel!" i said. "are you hearing yourself? what you've done to me is... fear?!" he looked down and put his hands on his cheeks.

"i'm sorry, how many more times do i need to tell you?"

"you can't make up for what you did with two words."

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