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erika's pov

justin was so close to punching daniel, but i didn't see it. actually, i couldn't see anything. after a few seconds, everything came back into my view. i liked behind me to see almost all of the students, but they weren't moving, not even blinking or breathing.

nothing was happening. i turned around. my brother was frozen in a mid-punch format. daniel looked terrified. i figured he was frozen too before he looked at me. "what's going on?" i asked, blinking at him. he shrugged and tired to pull his shirt out of justin's hand.

i walked over and tugged on it, releasing him. he backed away from my petrified brother, staring at him. "seriously, what happened to eveybody." i said, looking around again. "this can't be some prank, because my brother would've hit you."

"i seriously don't know, could time be... paused?" daniel asked. i glanced at him. "how could that be possible?" i asked, placing my hands on my hips.

"how can this be possible?" he replied, pointing around him. i couldn't argue, he was right. "well, i'm going to go back to my house," i said, picking up my bookbag and heading towards the exit. "no!" daniel grabbed my arm and whirled me around.

"we shouldn't split up. this is unusual..." he said. "and scary." i sighed. "okay, i agree, but we need to get back to our houses." he nodded and took my hand in his. i cringed for the second time in the same day, for the same reason.

we walked together out the door and to the parking lot. "i walked here today, sooooo do you have your car?" daniel asked, looking at me as we made a complete stop. i held up my keys and took my hand out of his, heading towards my vehicle.

daniel got into the passenger seat as i started the car and backed it up.

we drove to the road, but had to stop. the streets were packed with cars. all the drivers, unmoving. their cars were frozen as well. "don't tell anyone i was off-road driving," i said and drove on the sidewalk.

"i couldn't," he replied. "we're frozen in time, and we may never go back."

"don't say that," i said. "we have so much that we could be missing out on. we'll go back eventually."

"why was it only us two?" daniel's question silenced the both us, each in our own thoughts. "i don't know," was all i could think of.

when we got to my apartment building, i parked in the first slot. the car that had backed out of it was in the middle of the lot. "you can go into your apartment," i said. "i'll be in mine. don't follow me."

i walked up to the sliding doors and gently pushed a person aside, as they were blocking the entrance. i headed to the elevator and pressed the up button. at least the elevators work.

i entered, daniel next to me. the ride up was slow and silent. it had never been more awkward. "see you," daniel said as he entered his apartment. i waved and opened the door to mine, well, justin's and mine.

i left my bookbag on the couch and checked the whole kitchen. i didn't have enough food to last me a week, so i guess i'd have to go to the store.

i couldn't ever imagine stealing, but i couldn't pay... we'd just have to see. i jogged up the stairs to my bedroom with my bookbag and took out my english homework.

question 1, yadayadayadayadayadayadayada and done.

i was working on the last two questions when a sudden thump shook me out of my thoughts. "leave now!" i yelled downstairs. i mean, it had to be daniel.

i heard footsteps but couldn't tell where he was. my question was answered when daniel burst into my room. "what do you want." i said, not looking up form my homework. "i got bored." he replied, pulling my english away from me and nearly setting it by my desk.

"then go watch tv or something," i replied, trying to return to my work. daniel wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and pulled my back to the bed. "oh come on. we're stuck in a timeslip and we have everything to do."

written 8/23/18

edited 8/23/18

published 8/23/18

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