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erika's pov

mackenzie and i had the same class next, math, so we went back to our lockers together and grabbed the right books before heading down the hallway towards the classroom.

one good thing about this school is that there's never any assigned seats. mackenzie grabbed two seats next to each other, ones closer to the left wall and the window. we set our stuff up and talked until more of my classmates and my teacher arrived.

"i don't understand why you let him bully you," i said. mackenzie let daniel get to her, and i didn't like it. "alright everyone, quiet down down," my teacher, ms applebaum said in a low voice.

everyone silenced, remembering that ms applebaum was the detention hall teacher. she was experienced in discipline and never smiled. pretty sure she was satan in human form.

i mean, i've never been in detention before, so i don't know how bad she can get, but i know i don't want to. we started with straight algebra. it was a little hard to keep up, but i managed. it seemed like forever before the bell rang. mackenzie and i put our things away and separated.

i pulled out my phone and looked at the texts i had received. i know i shouldn't have but i walked and texted.

justin// hey how was class

erika// good wbu

justin// fun

justin// we did a science experiment and the teacher nearly exploded

erika// mr cunningham is such a daredevil 😂

i was about to say something funny but crashed into a hard figure. i fell onto my behind and looked up to see mr d s, or wait, no, mr bs hovering over me. i got up and brushed myself off and glared at him. i shoved my phone into the side pocket of my bookbag and set it down.

i crossed my arms. "what do you want." "you actually want to listen?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "yep. i want this to be final and i want you to leave me alone." i replied. and then it happened. he suddenly grabbed both of my hands and pinned them about my head with one of his.

i tried moving but couldn't escape his grip. "let me go daniel." "no, because you would leave." he said. i couldn't argue with him, i probably would.

"i've been thinking a lot this summer," he continued. "and i noticed. everything i've done to you. those scenes replay in my head, and i regret it so, so much. i'm asking you again, forgive me erika. i plead you.

sorry i have to.

basically what's going on it dani's head:

i've been waking up drenched in sweat.

all my dreams full of my regrets.

i keep doing what my mother said.

eyes are open all i see is red."

supernova- ansel engort

"no." i said simply and tried moving to my bookbag once again. he tighten his hand and began to shift close to me. wait, was he? no... i felt like looking away before our lips connected, but as i looked into his eyes, i couldn't move. like, seriously.

i could see a nicer future then our history in that beautiful blue color. and then he closed the gap.

i know im describing it when i say this, but the kiss was almost indescribable. i couldn't tell who was there, watching this unfold because i closed my eyes and enjoyed it.

then i stopped myself. i was kissing my lifelong bully. bully of bullies. i forgot i was being pinned against the wall, because i jerked and tried moving, but failed. daniel seemed to notice my freak out and pulled away.

"now what?" he said. i just stared at him and didn't reply. well, i did. my response was pulling him in again and continuing the kiss.

written 8/20/18 - 8/21/18

edited 8/21/18

published 8/21/18

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