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erika's pov

mackenzie and i separated when the bell rang, walking off to our own classes. i entered the english room along with a lot of other students like, tyler, finley, nancy, alex, natalia, and, oh no, daniel.

why is he suddenly around? maybe because he feels bad? these are questions that i don't think will ever be answered. i sat down at my desk and left my bookbag on my right side. a boy that i had become mutual friends with, named ashton, sat to my left.

i was fine with it, until daniel sat to my right. does he not know how to leave me alone? i rejected his apology and he didn't understand that i didn't want to be near him.

everyone settled in their own seats and had their own little conversations and the teacher walked in. mr litzy  set his binders and grade books on his desk and walked around. the class became quiet.

the teachers put his hands together and smiled. "hello, my name is mr litzy, and i teach english." he said. "obviously!" some class clown sitting in the back said.

"devan, glad to have you back here," the teacher said, his smile faded. "i have my detention slips previously filled out for you," devan silenced and the teacher smiled once again.

"this year, we have a new student," mr litzy said. "we welcome regina adloff, you may stand."  an orange-headed girl stood and blushed. she was cute. freckles flooded her face and her brown eyes lit up when she grinned. she smiled shyly and waved to the class before returning to her seat.

english class seemed to pass by pretty quickly. mr litzy liked me and i liked him along with the english he teached. i was really good at it, too.

the bell rang and the class was dismissed. everyone left noisily, but i stayed behind to talk to regina. she was at her desk gathering her things and i made my move. "hey, my name is erika," i said, holding out my hand. she looked up at me and smiled.

"you're erika burke, right? oh my god, i love you! i follow you on instagram." she said in a sweet voice. "thanks," i said back. "i just wanted to say, there's nothing to worry about here in this school. the teachers can take care of anything, along with your friends."

she looked down and quietly said, "i don't have friends."

"incorrect," i replied. "i am your friend, unless something else. see you around regina!" i said, picking up my stuff and waving goodbye, leaving the classroom. i walked down the hallway to my locker, putting away my english book.

makenzie was nowhere in sight, so i walked further. there was a big group of students at the end of the hallway, so i walked over there to investigate. and guess who was there.

daniel and makenzie. zach herron, another one of daniel's friends was there too, assisting the idiot of a guy. daniel was teasing makenzie. she was surrounded by students, daniel and zach in the middle.

she was looking at the floor, and i could tell tears were welling up in her eyes. "why did you come back here?" daniel spat. "to fail class? get lost."

zach laughed. i was so done.

so done.

written 8/14/18 - 8/15/18

edited 8/15/18

published 8/15/18

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