BoJack Horseman

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Abotion is mention throught the story and curse words.

"Bojack open the damn door." I pounded on the door angry. " Right now." As I was about to knock again the door opened.

" Hi ( Y/N). How is Emily?" Todd asked while eating a poptart.

" My sisters is fine. She just been having fun in Hollywoo." I said, holding back my rage towards Bojack.

"You're here for Bojack, right." Todd said opening the door a little widder for me.

" Yes, but the party you threw last week was super fun." Before I met Bojack.

" Did you like the bounce house with the all you can eat cookies inside the bounce house that was inside the house?" He had a large grin telling me to say yes. However that was a health issue since the cookies were touching a feet infested ground before bouncing with you and landing in your mouth. Also some cookies were stepped on. One cookie crumb landed in Daniel Radcliff eye. He was flown by his helicopter to the hospital.

" Yeah, it was ... Superb." I just agreed because todd is such a nice guy who just come up with bad ideas, but the female driver idea was pretty good ... at first. " Where is Bojack?" I asked.

Todd pointed at him drunkly posted against the couch covered in blankets and some of Todds clothes while watching his sitcom.

" Where is the coffee todd." I sighed. Bojack had finally looked up from his show as todd showed me the coffee maker.

" Damn it Todd, you let her in. I told you to tell her I was not here." He sighed " Look um... Whatever your name is. It was a one night thing that you will probably hold dear to your heart, but I don't want a relationship."

" You egotistical ass, I don't want to be with you either. Now drink this coffee and sober up." I glared at him and he did as I commanded. I had to slap the jack daniel whiskey he was gonna pour in the coffee out his hand a couple times. Uggh

" Okay now that you have killed my buzz, what are you doing here?" He asked.

" I needed you to be sober for this. Bojack, i'm pregnant." I felt vulnerable in this situation but he had to know.

" Okay, I'll pay for the abortion." Once he said that something inside me snapped.

" I'm keeping the baby Bojack." I said instantly touching my stomach protectingly.

" No, your not. How much do you want to get an abortion?" He pulled out his check and pen waiting for me to price range my baby.

" I don't want anything from you. I just wanted my son or daughter to have a father. However I can see that letting them be near you would hurt them more than having the feeling of abandonment." I was mids leaving when I was pulled back.

" Would the new song by Sextina Aquafina make you change your mind?" I scoffed at him and started storming out.

" How about 300 million?" He plead which I responded by flicking him off before slamming the door. I hopped in my car and quickly drove to my studio apartment.

I rubbed my belly while laying on my bed flipping through the tv channels.
I flipped to MNSBSea news. They were talking about Sextina's new song which instantly made me turn off the tv.

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