Authors Note

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I FINALLY  have an excuse to why I haven't been posting. Now that the excuse is over, I will be posting.

However if you care here is my excuse-

I use Wattpad on my phone, I don't have a laptop, or anything else, so out of the blue my phone kinda burned out, almost burnt up my sims card (the little chip thing), so it slowly stopped working first my apps stopped wotking and I was okay as long as I could call people but then my phone couldn't call or TEXT. So I had to transfer my phone finally when I found a old hand me down phone at my house. So this phone is hella cracked and has black circles that eat away at the screen. SO IF I MAKE SPELLING MISTAKES, like always just tell me my mistakes, I will thank u.

Anyways, byee
Also Juddah, my baby, is back on bojack. OwO

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