The New Season

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Guys, I'm gonna cry as this AKA TOMORROW is the last Season of Bojack Horseman like I watched this show since it came out and I never had a show that I love sooo much like this show is so different and just like I might not find a show like this for a while or maybe I will I don't know but ugggggh.

Anyway, I have seen the trailer and the biggest thing that has really caught my attention is the scene where Princess Carolyn enters this bar and looks at the fox guy, which I think that that fox is her ex when she was younger and because he was rich and she was poor and they were kids Princess Carolyn ended up getting a abortion, I think his name was Brick or something like that. Long description, I know, just trying to jog y'alls memories.

Anyway, I think she was smiling, so I'm guessing its going to be little drama there but I'm still so curious to what she is going to do, and I think that was her first love or something like that and you know what they say, it's something about the first.

Also I'm glad Juddah is back, I love him.😍 He is my robotics snack.

Okay, main focus, our lil rotten jellybean, Bojack Horseman. First off the progress of him is amazing and in my opinion all hell is about to break loose but it won't be terrible. Idk

Leave comments on your thoughts, and Thank u all for reading this. I don't know how long I will keep writing these stories but I'm gonna keep trying and keep posting until then.

I hope y'all are having or had a Splendid day.

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