Diane Nyguen

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I feel this circle around me, consuming me. I want to escape it but it's hard. This circle is familiar, cozy even. It's always been there, but now it's more prominent than ever. I can't focus and all I want to do is wrap myself in covers and eat my thoughts and emotions away, and if I am not doing that I just want scream or cry or both at the same time.

I've been wanting to write something meaningful, but how can I. I can't come up with anything but a long and ongoing title. I'm writing about me and let's be honest what have I to tell, nothing, my life has only been surrounded by bad days, months, years only being graced with the slightest satisfaction.

I want to finally bring meaning to my life, for me, so I don't lose guy, and to prove my family wrong. I don't give a fuck about their validation. I just want to rub it in their stupid faces!
I don't just want to rub it in their faces but also the faces of those who doubted me, the ones who made my life a living hell!

However I can't fully blame them for my life being hellish.

I look at my laptop with a distant perspective. Not really looking at the laptop just deep in thought were everything just seems to fade from my mental view.

I still haven't met guy's kids and " a friend I work with" is how he describes me to his friends, and let's not be reminded of the weight I have put on. Maybe Guy should be with someone who doesn't have problems and a growing waist line.

Uggggh, no Diane, I shouldn't mess this up. If anything I need Guy, not just because I love him, but because he makes me feel like I can actually be happy.

But he had to ruin it now that he wants me on antidepressants, and they just make me feel like a robot! I have no emotions at all when I take antidepressants!

Maybe, I can ....... ... I could- ....... I don't know what I can do.

" Diane!" A hand waved in my face I jumped from my chair.

"Buuuawawa," a noise just flowed out of my mouth. When I realized it was just Guy. I breathed a sigh of relief." Guy, you scared me."

" Sorry, I was calling your name but I guess you were zoned out." He sat next to me and placed a hot cup of coffee next to me." So what exactly have you worked on? No pressure of course, sometimes the artist needs a lot of time to make a master piece."

That's what I loved about Guy, he never egged me on to do things I didn't want well besides a couple time but all for good reasons.

" Umm, it's coming along." Lies. " but you can't read it till it's complete."

" Of Course," Guy said.

He was watching me, so I started to type random things, I even typed the entire grocery list.

" I know you've been busy, but maybe we can get some fresh air. Go on a date." He said inching his hands closer to mine. I immediately stop typing and closed the laptop.

" Fine, but only because I need a break," more like a distraction.

I hoped in the shower, and got in my usual attire, some blue jeans, a white shirt, and my green coat. We walked for a while until we were at a lil cozy restaurant. The menu was filled with Chicago this and Chicago that. Even the building was designed around the theme Chicago. They had multiple Chicago flags and sports teams lining the walls.

We sat at a booth in the corner, I order water as he ordered a beer. I swear that's all he drinks sometimes.

" So, why this place? Does it have the best Chicago styled -" I looked down at my menu," wings?"

" Noooo, the next place we go to I'll show you the best wing spot in the world." He said so seriously, it was cute.

He looked down at his watch with a surprised and kinda stressed face." I'll be right back, I have to use the... bathroom? Yeah." Before I could question his obvious lie, he was speed walking away from the table. Away from .... me.

Ugggggh, no more depressing thoughts, he said he'll be right back. Maybe I could occupy my thoughts with my phone.

~Time Skip~

An hour has passed, and the waiter keeps giving me that look that I've been stood up, and I'm kinda starting to believe that as well. Unless he is taking a massive dump.

I look up from my phone, maybe I should just leave.

~Few Hours later~

That bitch, I waited 4 hours at this dam restaurant and he wanted to go out. This mother fu-

~Few more Hours~

Is it me? Am I repulsive or something?

~Few More More Hours Later~

It's been eight hours and close to nine. I'm getting tired and I feel hurt right now. At this point the waiter gave me a free chocolate lava cake. This looks amazing by the way.

As I was getting up I saw the bastard and my anger from four dam hours ago came back. I grabbed my purse and stomped my way to that insufferable man.

" How dare you leave me, and make me look like some pathetic -" I whispered yelled at him because I didn't want the people around us to look at us. " side piece that you can pick up and discard at a snap of your stupid fingers. " I poked him in his chest become more frustrated as I spoke. " Your such a prick!" I crossed my arms done with talking. I just want to go home and go to sleep.

" I deserved that, but I want you to meet someone." I was confused and only nodded.

" Hey little man it's okay to come out now." Guy reached down and grabbed a little hairy bull hand. Ooo, kids, yaay, I'm amazing with kids.

" Breathe Diane." I guess he could sense how nervous I am. I feel like I'm sweating bullets.

"Hi," I little voice spoke.

" ummm Hi, I'm Diane, your dad's fr-"

" Girlfriend." Guy finished for me. Honestly that was the most sexiest thing ever. He finally labeled our relationship.

" How about we watch a movie at the house? I got free cake." I suggested.

The little guy shrugged still nervous to talk. That sorta put me at ease since I'm also nervous talking to him.

" Alright well let's go then." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and holding his son hand. Things seem alot brighter for the future.

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