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Another requests from Square Ice Mom which I find super adorable, and I hope y'all find it cute as well.

I grabbed Mr.Peanutbutter's hand as we strolled in the park. We usually keep a low profile when we are on our dates, but after staying cuddled up in his house watching movies for hours we both needed some air.

" This is nice," I leaned my head on his shoulder as I took a deep breath of the night air. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer.

" The only thing that would make this more perfect is" I interrupted him by pulling a frisbee out of my backpack and waving it around." Oh my gosh, are you A mind reader because you just read my mind!" He begins to happily wag his tail.

I throw the frisbee and watch as PB chase after it. He is so cute. He catches it with his teeth and came running back to me. " If you can do a backflip while catching it, I will give you a kiss." He crouched in a ready determined stance.

" I am ready." He says. I threw the frisbee a long distance and watched PB run further away from me. As he was ready to jump into a flip, " PB watch out!" He wasn't paying attention as he was getting really close to a tree. I run towards him as he looks infront of him. Thankfully he didn't run into a tree but he did trip on a root.

"Babe, Does anywhere on your body hurts?" I yelled towards him. He sat up and shook his head really fast before checking his body for injuries. I quickly kneeled down to his level pressing gently but firmly on his body to see if he might've broke something. I start at his legs before working my way up to his chest for any cracked ribs. Dang, PB is quite fit and that is an accomplishment for being around the same age as my brother, Bojack. Jeez I can feel his muscles under this shirt.

I hear a playful growl that snaps me out of my trance." (Y/N), I am quite certain that you are grouping me." He flirtatiously laughed as I smack his arm for laughing.

" I'm just checking for any cracked ribs, but maybe you injuried your head instead." I got up from the ground and helped PB up." Alright, I gotta head to Bojacks and check up on him."

" It's crazy how me and Bojack are great friends and he is your brother." I hummed in response but let's be honest Bojack is not great friends nor friends with PB. That's why I haven't told Bojack that I am dating Mr.Peanutbutter.

He wraps his arm around me and leans on me as we head towards his car.

Pb pulled into Bojack driveway and parked infront of the door. I gave him a small kiss before hoping out and heading inside my brother's house. Like always he is sitting infront of the TV.

" Scoot over and pass me the remote because we are not watching any of your shows." I quickly snatched the remote from his hand and flopped myself into the couch.

" What about one episode of Horsin Around?" Bojack pleads with out turning his head from the tv.

" No, we watched that last time, I still got the intro stuck in my head. " I flipped through the tv channels seeing what's on. I mindlessly started to sing,"Three little oprhans,-"

"One, Two,Three!" Me bojack sang in unison. Bojack laughed as I was facepalming myself.

"Uhhhh, I hate you." I sighed

" What I didn't even do anything." Bojack whined as I punched him lightly in the shoulder.

After a couple minutes of us watching tv, someone was knocking on the door. Bojack looked at me and I just shook my head.

" I am a guest, Why would I open your door." I got up but headed towards the kitchen to pop some popcorn and grab some junk to eat that'll I will definitely regret tomorrow. Or not.

" What are you doing here, Mr.Peanutbutter?" I jumped hearing Bojack's annoyed words. Why is PB here?!?

PB just came in without permission making his cute little weird jokes.

"Aaah, (Y/N)," I looked at Bojack who was looking at me with a look that said how do you know him. I looked back a PB with a forced smile as he began to walk towards me. " You left your phone in my car. I didn't realize until it was buzzing on my way home." Bojack looked very confused like the look that is wondering why I was in PB's car. I quickly took my phone and thanked him before pushing PB towards the door.

" Wait," I stopped pushing and waited for PB to continue." Don't I get a good night kiss, babe?" In my head I was murdering Pb then bringing him back to life then murdering him again.

" What!?!?" Bojack looked pissed, " Babe?! Kiss?!" Ooo shucks. " You and Mr.Peanutbutter are what? in some kind of relationship?"

I said no while PB said yes. I am definitely going to have to kill him.

" Of course, me and (Y/N) are in a relationship. We have been together for a five weeks now." PB unnecessarily explained. Bojack looked at me to see if this was true.

" I have no idea what he is talking about big bro." I stepped away from PB. As much as I would like to say I am a grown woman, who can date whoever she please, bojack looks really angry and I'm not trying to be in the crossfire.

" Babe, dont be silly. I'll see you on Saturday for our next date." At an instance Bojack was running towards PB after he finished saying that.

" Your dating my little sister!"

~~~Few Minutes later~~~

Bojack was starting to slow down, after chasing PB around the couch, because he is not in shape.

I ran towards the door and opened it wide enough for PB to run through. " PB!" I waved him towards the door and he sprinted out, but before I closed the the door he rushed back in to give me a peck on the check. " Good night (Y/N)." And he rushed into his car and drove away.

I closed the door and turned to a heavily breathing and upset Bojack leaning on the couch for support.

" Your dating Mr.Peanutbutter!"

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