Daine Nyguen part two

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" I lied ( Y/N)." My heart slowed as I just stared at her. What did she lie about? She just stared at me as I waited for her to tell me.

.................... ...  .. ......................

" ABOUT WHAT DAINE?" I asked impatiently. She jumped at my tone." I'm sorry for my loudness, Daine. However, you can't just cry and tell your girlfriend you lied and just stare at her like she can read your mind." Okay, I tried to stay calm but it's really hard with the horrible thoughts running through my mind.

" I.. I,"she stuttered. She started to walk away towards the kitchen as I watched stunned.

" Daine, is this some weird joke of your because this isn't funny." I followed her staring down at her back as she reached in the fridge for a beer. She didn't say anything, and this was starting to frustrate me more.

" Did you lie now or later?" I asked.

" later today,"  she said opening the beer bottle.

" Okay," My throat was feeling dry. " So when we were on the phone." She turned to me and nodded before taking a swig.

" Babe," I grabbed her hand," If you tell me I won't be mad." I rubbed her hand lovingly.

" Now, your the one lying to me." She chuckled dryly," I lied when I said I was out with Bojack all day. We actually went searching for his cuff links early in the morning but stopped after an hour because Bojack was to lazy to keep searching. I decided to go to a bar since we weren't searching anymore. Surprisingly, Mr.Peanutbutter was there too." Please don't be what I think it is, please. " I really needed a drink after dealing with Bojack, so I was going to slip into the back of the bar and sit at one of the tables without him noticing but my plan was ruined because he noticed."

~~ flashback (Daine's Pov)~~

"Hey Daine!" Shit. I turn around to see Pb across the bar waving. I inwardly sighed as he started to come closer. I quickly plastered a fake smile as he came closer.

"Hey Mr.Peanutbutter," I pulled a piece of my hair behind my ear," What'cha doing here? At this  bar?"

" I just came here for a drink and to think, I was hoping to find my best friend bojack since this is his favorite bar." I nodded. I have beer at home, why didn't I go there. "But, heyy, I ran into you instead."

"Yayy." I tried to sound enthusiastic about that," Uhm, anyway, how is ... I would say Pickles but I saw her and you a few moments ago when I signed the divorce papers." We both nodded awkwardly not knowing what to say.  I got up from my table," It was nice talking to you.. again."  I walked towards the bar and ordered for a beer. Since there is no need to hide i'll just sit at the ba-

" So I was thinking," I jumped at how Pb had popped up next to me. " about my engagement-"

"Your engaged? When? To pickles the waitress?" I looked at Pb dumbfounded at how quickly he was moving with this girl.

He placed a hand on his neck and sighed," Yeah, somehow I ended up proposing when I was actually going to break up with her."

"So call off your engagement," I took a sip of my drink and looked over at my ex-husband disappointingly." Pb, you can't drag this poor girl along if you don't want to be with her" Pb had a look on his face that told me he was uncomfortable with the idea. Perks of once being married to him. "Or don't and have a big wedding, and also congrats on your engagement."

"Daine, I can't do it, I don't deliver bad news to people." Pb started to ramble on about how he is a happy news kind of person. I just continued to drink from my bottle. If I have to listen to him complain I should at least have a slight buzz. 

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