Spending Christmas With

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Bojack :
"Babe!" I yelled through the room shuffling through the closet for the one gift that could make or break my relationship."Where is the blue gift box with the snowman on it!" I'm so nervous for this christmas gathering. I'm meeting bojack's sister, on the same day of me and bojack's first Christmas together, I just want everything to go smoothly.

" I put it under the tree," I ran into the livingroom and grabbed the gift bag,"isn't that what your supposed to do with gifts?"

I know but I just want everything to go perfectly, are you sure she will like this gift?" Maybe I should go to the mall before they close.

" She'll love your gift, I promise." bojack hugged me from the back. His nice warm body pressed to mine with his gentle breathe caressed my face as he played with the hems of my shirt. " She'll love it because I love you." he kissed my cheek making me smile.

" That was super corny," I nudged him in his stomach.

" Yeah, when it came out my mouth, I wanted to vomit." he scratched his neck.

"Even though it was really corny," I turned around facing him, and gently played with his hair." I find it really sexy. Especially with your new haircut. The grey streaks are a turn on."

" You like it," he started to mumbling about being unsure of his hair which made him even cuter.

"Shut up, and just kiss me, we have 20 more minutes before the guest arrive." I smirked as he lustfully leaned in, eyes filled with hunger.

He whispered in my ear, " Well, Merry Christmas to me, but you know I only need 5," I shook my head laughing. I kissed him before he could say anything else and lead him back to the the bedroom.

Diane :

" Diane," I screamed," Hurry up! The movie is about to start." I popped some popcorn in my mouth waitimg as patiently as I could.

" Just a few minutes." I heard her messing around in the kitchen. She's been in there for a good hour. Should I check on her?

"Babe, are you okay? Do you need me to come-"

" Noooo!" she loudly interrupted, " I'm fine, everything is good. Peachy even." she rambled.

" Okay," she seems nervous, why?

" Alright, I'm here," she rushed in with two food stands and placed one infront of me and the other infront of her. It had grilled cheese and tomato soup on it, the only thing Diane know how to cook.

" Awww baby," I caressed her face," that's so sweet." I gave her a quick peck on the lips before resuming back to the tv. "Alright let's watch this classic Christmas movie. The nightmare before Christmas. "

I dipped the grilled cheese in the  tomato sauce and took a bite. It was delicious of course.

~ A few Hours later~

" That was amazing! I'm gonna get some moe popcorn so we can watch the next movie." I got up and left towards the kitchen, I heard Diane mumble but I didn't quite hear what she said.

I quickly popped the popcorn so I could get back. Does Diane want something other than popcorn? I should ask her while i'm up and moving around.

" Diane!" I called out to her. While grabbing the bowl. "while im still up, do you want-"

I dropped the bowl shocked as I stared frozen at diane on one knee. I could feel the smile grace my lips as I immediately knew I was gonna say yes.

" (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), Ever since we met at that End the Gas War created by Dolphina Gordan rally and we all ended up being pepper sprayed because we had the wrong day," I giggled as I remembered fondly of that painful moment." I knew I wanted to be with you, so umm marry me?"

I immediately swooped down and kissed her.

" Yes, of course," I gingerly and swiftly took the ring out of her hand and placed it on my finger.

" I love it, and I love you." we hugged as we were overcome with happiness, joy, and love.

There wil be 3 more stories for our main characters, I was hoping to have this posted on Christmas but i couldn't. Im sorry but I hope y'all enjoy these two and I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas or whatever Holiday you celebrate or if it just a regular day, I hope it was magnificent.

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