Sonny ( Guy's Son)

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I huffed in disgust as I saw Diane and my dad kiss. I walked out of there immediately and went straight to my room. I pulled out my phone and decided to vent to my best friend, (Y/N).


Having Diane around is weird?

Wasn't she alrite since she makes those mystery novels that you love to read?

Well, yeah but...


She's okay, but I still hope for my parents to get back together

I sighed as I felt anxious about the whole situation. Mom and dad, had to still love each other right? I mean they had me and how could they just do this to me?

(Y/N) was calling, hehe, why did she make her ringtone this. It's funny but still like that meme is hilarious, but at night, I almost crapped myself once while hearing this.

I answered before it could loop again," Hello."

" Do you want to vent?" She asked.

" I mean, there's nothing really to vent you know I'm strong enough to deal with this," I coughed as I felt my voice get deeper, " yeah."

" Whatever you say big man," she started to giggle and I couldn't help but chuckle too.

We started to talk about everything and anything like we always do. I was grateful because I didn't wanna think about- yeah and she helps me with that.

" Hey, I hope next year, we have the same classes. I don't think I'll be able to pass with out you." She said with a sigh.

" I see how it is, you only use me for my brain" I accused jokingly.

"Aaaah, you caught me," She said sarcastically which only made both of us die laughing.

We finally calmed down after a while and it got silent.

" Hey Sonny," she called out.

" Yeah," I stretched out on my bed as I got more relaxed.

" I think I like you-"

......................   . ................

" Hello, Earth to Sonny,"

I started to move my mouth but words weren't coming out. I was panicking and freaking out as I had no idea what to do or if I should play it cool. (Y/N), likes me, that's strange. Do I even like her? I don't even know. I mean she is my closets friend. What if this ends our friendship? What if I'm not a good boyfriend? Am I ready to be some's boyfriend? I mean hell yeah I am, and (Y/N) is super pretty. However, are we compatible? If we are together, will she realize I am a loser? Omg how long has it been since I said something?

" Um-"

" Hey, Sonny-" why is my dad and Diane checking on me right now.

" (Y/N), I'll call you back." It all rushed out of my mouth as I quickly hung up. I don't even know if she understood what I said.

I looked up to see my dad and Diane confused. All I could muster was a weird grunt as I pushed my face in a pillow.

I had to have messed up bad.

" Umm, son, do you wanna talk about what just happened." I could feel the bed dip as he sat near my feet.

" I messed up big time," i mumbled in the pillow.

" What?" My dad question somehow made me angry because now I have to explain how I did something stupid.

" I messed up, okay!" I said flailing my arms," why are y'all even in my room?"

" Well, I wanted to apologise for using PDA in front of you, especially at this point of time with you processing all of this." Diane said as she rubbed her arm looking down. I kinda felt bad for being loud with them they probably think I'm mad at them- well I am, kinda. I don't know, I'm very confused.

"(Y/N), told me she liked me, and I didn't say anything until y'all came in." I said changing the subject, " I hung up on her and didn't even reply back."

"Ooooooo," they said in unison looking at each other.

" It's that bad, isn't it?" I sighed as I felt panic explode in me.

" Well no, yes, well it's not great." Diane stumbled out which only made me more nervous.

" Okay, let me take over," he said towards Diane before looking directly at me. " Do you even like her?"

"I don't know, I like hanging out with her and how she is my friend and I can trust her and I feel myself around her. But I don't know if I like like her."

"It's okay son, just talk to her and everything should work out." He said before ruffling my hair and leaving the room with Diane.

I took a deep breathe before calling (Y/N) again.".... Hey."

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