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This is a girl reader x holly

"Hollieeee, I miss u baby," My girlfriend, (Y/N), whined dramatically to me as I laid down in the guest bedroom of BoJack's house," You so far away, come back home so I can cuddle you."

" I'm only been gone for a week, and I'm hanging out with my brother, Stop being dramatic." I shake my head at how silly she can be.

I hear a quick in take of breathe through the phone, " Dramatic, I am not dramatic. THIS is dramatic," Oh lord, " Ooo great sorrow, my heart aches with every passing day that I can't be near my lady love." I laugh at how stupid she can be - well not stupid as in dumb but stupid as in her antics.

" Okay, okay, I get it. Your not dramatic. Your just insane." I said jokingly but what if my joke didn't translate well and I offended her, " I didn't mean insane in a bad way, I was just-"

" I know Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzerelli-McQuack" The way she said my name was so sweet and melancholy and kinda made me hot in the cheeks. ( Author: I had to look it up y'all, here last name is just so long. I mean no shade, no tea, but dam. 😹)

" You finally learned my whole last name." I said very impressed since she couldn't get past Guerrero.

" Yeah, it took some practice but I finally got it."she said smugly," I think I should be rewarded for that maybe you could treat me to some fast-food and maybe a good make out session afterwards."

" I- umm," I coughed on my saliva or should I say tongue because my throat is really dry right now. Play it cool Hollyhock, " YEAH, SURE, MC.DONALDS, I'M LOVING IT!" That was not cool! My voice cracked inbetween and it was pitchy and loud.

My girlfriend gentle giggles soothed my worries, " oh my gosh, Hollyhock, your so adorable and quirky that's why I love you." My heart jumped to my throat, I felt like I was in outer space with no oxygen tank but somehow surviving. Even though if that was true, I would probably die within a matter of seconds.

That was the first time she said that. Should I say it back? Do I love her as well? Of course I do. Do I just say I love you or do I say I love you? I'm freaking out. I sit up in bed, kinda nervous I will say something stupid

" Umm, earth to Hollyhock." I cough and quickly hummed to say yes. " I'm sorry, it's too soon, right?" She said sounding slightly sad.


"Hollyhock, do you think think this pants make me look fat? I just ate a shot ton of cookie dough and I feel like a fat ass right now." Bojack entered my room cutting me off before I could speak. " Arrreee you on the phone right now?" Oh, crap BoJack doesn't know I have a girlfriend. Should I tell him now? Surprise, I'm a lesbian. Would he be supportive?

" Hollyhock?" He tilted his head concerned by how I'm not talking.

" I'm just talking to my ....... dads," I heard a scoff on through the phone. Oh no I offended (Y/N)," I'll talk to you later, dads." I hung up and inwardly prayed I didn't screw up things so badly.

" So now that your off the phone, Do you wanna, idk, hangout or something? Bojack asked scratching the back of his neck. He isn't the best brother in the world but at least he try.

" Yeah, let's go." I said pushing away my worries to scared to actually deal with them at the moment.

" Alright! Now let's see were we can go?" Bojack sounded kinda excited which made me kinda excited and happy. Would he still wanna hangout with me if he knew? Of course he would ............. right?

Before I could dive any deeper into my anxiety, I followed Bojack out my room and towards the car.

Time skip

The sun was setting and we were wiped. First BoJack called Diane because they're besties I guess, but I think he has a crush on her. Then he invited her to go out to eat with us and then we went to a celebrity event thanks to Princess Carolyn where we ate tiny appetizers and socialized with the guest and then we ended the day watching Horsin Around at Diane's eating junk food.

I finally opened my phone and saw missed calls from my dads but I'll call them later. Another person who called me is (Y/N).

" Hey," I whispered, I took off my shoes as I closed the bedroom door.

" Hollyhock," she sounded weird, not like herself. Did I mess up that badly? Does she want to break up with me?

" Wait before you say anything, I haven't told BoJack about us because he doesn't know that I'm a lesbian, and I know I shouldn't care what he thinks but he's my brother and I'm scared he won't be in my life if he knows and-"

" Hollie, it's okay and I understand, but-"

" Wait-" I was scared and almost shaking.

" HOLLIE, please listen," I nodded and said okay, " Your father is in the hospital. He's okay now, but he was in a car accident. They were trying to contact you and I guess you were busy and they called me." I stayed quiet breathing slightly. I was in a huge frenzy of panic. " Hollie, breath, okay, Mr. McQuack is okay."

I listened to her and tried to calm myself down. " I'm coming home, can I call you back?"

" Yeah, hon. Bye." She quickly said before hanging up. I quickly put on my shoes and looked on my phone for the next flight out.

"BoJack, I need you to drive me to the airport!" I yelled out the room as I moved around the room packing and buying a plane ticket at the same time.

" Huh, I thought you'd be staying here for three weeks. What's going on?" BoJack asked confused.

" Mr.McQuak, my dad, was in a car accident and I need to go see him." I said quickly.

" Ooo, let me help you." BoJack actually started helping which is unlike him. " At least you have seven dads left right................ Sorry that's a terrible joke."

We continued in silence and then he drove me to the airport but instead of dropping me off, he parked his car in the airport parking.

" I'm coming with you, you might need me to get you celebrity treatment in the hospital." He said, which made me really happy," Ooo, I won't come if it makes you sad, I don't know what to do." I felt something trickled down my face. Am I crying?

Once I realized I was, it was like a wave of emotions came over me making me sob harder than ever.

" umm, do you want one of these?" BoJack spread his arms out towards me and I just rushed into them without thinking. He patted my back weirdly but I knew he was trying to be soothing. When I finally calmed down, we caught the little bus that took us to the airport entrance and got on our flight together. Well BoJack had to trade his first class ticket with the man next to me, but who told him to get first class when I'm a teenage girl living off her parents. Either way I was glad he was next to me.

To be continued

Small Author Note: In the continued chapter, I will properly give credit to the person who requested this because I forgot who. But like always I hope you guys enjoyed this story

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