Lay with me (request)

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Conan was very pleased with his life and himself. It's times where he's sat at his desk reminiscing everything and grinning at all the things he has accomplished throughout being 'alive'. It wasn't long ago since the humans agreed to look at Androids as equal and not as actual machines, of course there was the groups of people who lost their job so they loathe all androids in existence but mostly everyone settled down and accepted them. However with Conan being a detective it was a lot harder to have people understand that he could feel emotions and actually care about little things. It was actually frustrating really. Sooner or later Conan had finished his report from his last mission and stretched out to grab his keys. He was about to leave the station until he forgot something important;
He forgot all about the small Male. Actually on second thought he hadn't seen him since earlier around 7:30pm, he looked at his watch, and it's now 2:35am. Conan decided to look around the precinct for his friend for about 10 minutes before sighing over dramatically.
"Gavin? Are you here?"
No response, of course. Conan had grew impatient and walked past one of the officers desks before he heard a soft snore coming from someo- 'Gavins desk!'
He thought he already checked there but then again he must of missed it. He walked over and looked down at Gavin who had his arms crossed on his desk with his head in-between, who was sound asleep and snoring. Conan checked his data which showed the last time he fell asleep was 2 days ago. The android smiled down at his partner and shook him slightly.
"Gavin we need to go home"
But alas Gavin didn't wake up at all more to the fact he was the heaviest sleeper he had ever known, a bomb could go off and he wouldn't wake up. Conan shoved his keys in his pocket, shut off Gavins computer and picked him up bridal style. Conan couldn't help but smile lovingly towards Gavin. While walking towards his car Conan had the same reoccurring thought he has nearly every day 'gosh he's so perfect'. He didn't care if people found out he liked Gavin, in his opinion it was pretty obvious but Gavin was one of the people so oblivious it was annoying. Connor and Hank knows he likes him and persists Gavin likes him back but he couldn't bring himself to believe them after all why would Gavin like an Android?

Conan arrived at home with Gavin still Fast asleep in the passenger seat, he scooped him up and brought them inside. It took a while considering he was carrying a 36 yr/old man and not a child. Eventually he had made it to Gavins bedroom and placed him on it and sat down on the edge of the bed. There was no point denying it so he admitted it to anyone that asked him; he really liked Gavin Reed. Nonetheless he wouldn't be heartbroken if he turned round and didn't return the feelings, he would get over it. Conan was about to go into his own room before he felt a hand grab his own.
"Mmplease stay Conan. Lay with me"
Conan blushed furiously, I mean who wouldn't when your crush asks you lay in bed with them. Conan walked across to the other side of the bed, took his shoes off and climbed into the other side of the comfortable bed. He didn't know what to do so he just led there looking rather awkward and anxious. His L.E.D flashed yellow before he told himself to relax and properly lie down. A few minutes later Gavin and turned around, barely awake, and had his face in Conan's chest. If someone was to see this it would look very cute. Conan wrapped his arms around Gavin and laid there in a comfortable silence, and brushed his slender fingers through the small males hair; it was extremely soft so he slowly carried on brushing his fingers through. Conan looked down at Gavin and showed a small smile.
"I love you Gavin"

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