The Disastrous Life Of Conan Anderson 1

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A/N: this is based off the show The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
I'm using most of the characters from the show just because there isn't enough characters from Detroit :)
Also the characters I'm using from Detroit will be these:
Saiki= Conan/Rk900
Saiki's Father=Hank
Saiki's Mother=Random Oc
Teruhashi= Teruhashi
Aren= Lucas

Conan Anderson lived his life luxuriously with his parents Hank and Laura Anderson (idk??) and he loved every bit of it, especially when he's trying to concentrate on reading his book and hundreds of thoughts flood into his mind.

By the way if you hadn't noticed I was being sarcastic. My name is Conan Anderson and if you hadn't already guessed Im a psychic. I love my nice, loving mother. oh yeah and my annoying, apprehensive father.
I am also one of the students at Pk Academy, I don't like attending school especially when there's always nuisances there to piss me off. Firstly there's Teruhashi who constantly tries to make me say "oh wow~". Secondly, there's Gavin, he doesn't annoy me as much as the others but still pisses me off nonetheless. Next there's Markus, he's always trying to get my to join him in some sort of sport club after school but he's too extreme for my taste. Then there's Nendou, there's no other explanation for him just that he's the worst one. There's also my brother, Connor, he's a genius that lives in England, he's also a pain in the ass when it comes to my life. I'm glad he moved away so I don't have to deal with anymore.

It was a normal day for me, well I mean my life isn't normal but if you call being constantly harassed by people who call themselves my friends then sure it's normal day for me. I was currently walking into school when Gavin ran up beside me, telling me how he had knocked someone out last night because of a slur he used against him. See I know he didn't knock him out but his thoughts show me he did actually do some damage to him, emotionally not physically, and he left with a bruised lip however Gavin came in with one cut across his eye ( I'm thinking he looks likes butters from South Park with one brown eye and a white one) with another cut on his nose, it seems the guy who he had fought had a weapon on him 'tsk, Gavin should be more careful'

Gavin was walking back home from his trip to the supermarket when a drunken man shouted behind him "Hey faggot!"
Gavin turned to see a wasted middle aged man shouting offensive words to him. Gavin spun back round and ignored the mans protests and tried to make his way home quickly.
"Hey! Listen to me when I talk to you! You s-stupid fag, where's your faggy boyfriend? Dirty homosexuals" he spat. Gavin once again faced the man talking down on him. "Excuse me, who the fuck do you think you're talking to? How dare you call me a fag, it shouldn't matter what gender I'm attracted to and it surely shouldn't matter to you" he hissed, Gavin was more than furious at the mans homophobic comments and was ready to attack him at any second. The man seemed shocked that Gavin had the nerve to speak back which only riled up the mans anger even more. "Hey kid, watch you're speaking to" he snarled at Gavin, he creepily grinned at him when Gavin looked down he gulped in fear, he had a knife and Gavin knew he couldn't do anything practical without getting seriously injured.
Gavin stepped back in pure panic and was about to run away but the man had already charged at him which left Gavin no time to react and the man had cut his cheek. 'Shit' he thought, 'I need to dodge him or I might actually die' . Gavin had dodged most attacks and punches the man threw at him but just as he thought it was over the man reached over again and sliced his right eye. "AHH" Gavin screamed, the man snapped out of his rampage and quickly thought of the consequences and sprinted away.

Which led Gavin to have the cuts and what almost looks like a glass eye, Conan knew Gavin was in pain but he wouldn't tell anyone.
"Gavin" Conan spoke to him telepathically to stop Gavin from talking. "Are you okay?"

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