Mermaids don't exist pt2

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After a few minutes he settled for maybe it was a fish but when he turned back round another large splash was made, he hurriedly turned around and froze on the spot, for there was a man a little far out into the water just floating and staring right back at Gavin.

Gavin yawned and scratched his head, he had no clue why a young man would be swimming at stupid hours in the morning, maybe he's sporty? Yeah but that's no excuse to be swimming making loud splashes when people were sleeping, well I mean there's only two people but that's still people.
"Hey man, you mind telling me why you're waking me up at like" Gavin paused to check his watch "3:45 in the fucking morning?" He whisper shouted, not wanting to wake up Hank as well. But the man didn't reply, he only smirked at Gavin and went back under the water, 'what a weirdo, he best not fuck up our chances to find new species'. And with that Gavin trailed back to bed and began to fall back asleep 'splash' another sound made Gavins eyes shoot open, he growled knowing it was the same man from before trying to piss him off, he walked out of the door and looked around for the man but he wasn't anywhere to be seen, he groaned at the mans annoying antics.
"Hello?? I'd actually like to sleep"
No answer again, he walked over to the edge of the dock, scanning over the open waters, without any warning a hand grabbed his right foot and dragged him under, he opened his eyes slightly and saw something directly in front of him, he couldn't make out what it was but he was certain it was the man from before, he tried swimming back up to the surface but the hand pulled him back down, Gavin was no genius but he knew he needed to get out before he bloody drowned, he shouted through the ocean but nothing could made out, he kicked and screamed but the hand didn't let go. Gavin felt his consciousness starting to blacken but suddenly there was a pair of lips on his own, Gavin was too air deprived to stop but quite quickly his surroundings began to clear and he saw everything under the reef very clearly, he also no longer needed to go up to the surface because he was breathing finely under water. He finally looked in front of him and saw the man from before smiling at him, he looked at him for a while and choked at bit when he saw that there wasn't any legs but there was extremely gorgeous tail, he examined it and saw it was a mixture of red and blue which looked absolutely beautiful, he looked back up to the mans face and came to his senses.
"Dude you're a mermaid!" He exclaimed, being able to talk and the mermaid nodded back.
"No shit. I mean I don't have the tail for nothing" he chucked at Gavin, he laughed back at the stranger. " haha very funny.. so do you wanna tell me why you dragged me under the water and proceeded to kiss me?"
" when I first saw you arrive, you looked very handsome I must say, but I can't talk to humans if they're above the water so I kissed you to let you breathe and talk" Gavin couldn't believe his ears, he thought he was handsome? This made a red tint appear on his cheeks, he looked at the still unknown mermaid.
"Thank you very much, so what's your name? Mines Gavin."
"Gavins a very ordinary name don't you think. Mines Conan."
"Hey! My names not ordinary asshole"
"My apologies...Gavin" he teased, he looked at Gavin before telling him he must leave as his friends and family mustn't know he speaking to a human, Gavin nodded and spoke "can I see you tomorrow?"
"Yes of course, this time I'll bring my brother Connor, till tomorrow Gavin"
Gavin swam to the surface and gasped as he emerged when all of a sudden he found himself struggling to breathe so he dived back into the reef, he began to hyperventilate as he noticed Conan had already swam off and left Gavin all alone with no way of being able to go back.

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