Mental part 2

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Gavin had started to have symptoms of being schizophrenic when he was around 30 after a life changing case he was on with his partner Hank when suddenly things turned for the worse.

Hank and Gavin had been assigned a case on June 18th, 2026. It was a normal night between the two males, laughing and having banter between them seemed genuine and sincere it didn't look like anything bad could happen at all.

It was later that night they decided to go investigate, a light breeze pushed them further into the forest they were going through. A branch snapped left from Gavin and Hank, they signalled to each other to move towards the bushes when another twig snapped to Hanks right, they both went to the separate sides of the woods and followed the crunching of the sticks and leaves. Gavin felt sweat trickle down the right side of his face, he didn't want to say he was nervous but he couldn't help but be slightly paranoid in the dark, eerie night. He heard another snap through the bush directly in front of him which made him freeze in his spot. Gavin was on the other side of an unknown person/thing that could be armed and dangerous so he stood in his place not moving a muscle. He breathed in as silently as he could until he saw the bush move as if something was about to come through the other side. Gavins face turned as pale as a ghost as he forgot what he was doing, he stepped backwards trying to edge away from the thing. He hadn't moved for about 5 minutes but his senses suddenly came back to him when he heard a shout come from where Hank went off to. He sprinted to the direction of where the shouting was heard but he couldn't see anyone or even Hank. He wanted to shout for him but his anxiety stopped him and instead he silently manoeuvred the bushes so he could go to the other side.

Never would he of thought of seeing two robots with Hank passed out and blood pouring from his head. He rubbed his eyes but they didn't disappear like he hoped. He hoped he was hallucinating from the beer he had earlier but he didn't believe that idea. However, instead of trying to do his job he tried to run away only alerting the metal things to dart after him, he ran as fast as he could but the metal things only seemed to be catching up on him and what was worse was he couldn't see any openings to go in to peoples sights. He ran for about another 2 minutes longer before he was abruptly thrown to the floor, he groaned as his head bounced on the ground. He tried to turn around but a strong force kept his face downwards. He gulped and wished that this was a dream which he would wake up from any second but Gavin knew that this wasn't a damn dream.

Hanks head ached as he regained consciousness, he reached for the gash on his forehead and winced at the contact. He couldn't remember a thing from what happened, all he knows is he was on a case with his partner Gavin. "Gavin?" But there wasn't any luck. "GAVIN?!" He shouted into the dark abyss, he wanted to be at home with his dog Sumo but knew that wasn't going to happen right now so he stood up and wandered through the forest for his partner.

"Ugh what are you?" Gavin pried the two robots, the robots only glanced and continued speaking in a foreign language Gavin didn't understand. 'Assholes' he thought as he stayed there on the damp, muddy floor.
The robots hadn't spoken or done anything to Gavin yet apart from keeping him on the ground.
"Hey are you gonna let me go now because I really want to go home"
One of the robots stopped talking and crouched down so Gavin could see his "face". "Human we did not want to cause any problems but not only did your friend attack us but you both shouldn't know about us" it snarled.
"Hey it's not my fault my partner hurt you but if you want I'll leave you both alone and pretend I never saw anything" but they didn't seem to agree and began to chuckle at him. Gavin gulped and the one of the robots hand turned into a knife, it then smirked at Gavin menacingly.
"Not good enough"

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