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Human au
Where both Gavin and Rk900
(Conan otherwise known)
Are both humans and Androids don't exist
Lemon ( no smut)

Snapchat was over rated in Gavins eyes, always led to trouble and mayhem unless he was texting Conan. He and Conan have known each other for a while but never actually met in real life yet. Gavin didn't need clarification that he existed because they had Skyped, FaceTimed and texted all the time, he also didn't clarification that he was extremely attractive not only was he attractive he even had a twin brother (named Connor) who was just as handsome. When Gavin first saw his face he almost pissed himself from not being ready for the amount of beautifulness in one person. He thought he was absolutely gorgeous.

Conan had known Gavin a little longer than Gavin knew him, he had followed him on Instagram and found himself staring at his pictures for ages. Conan didn't understand what drew his attention to Gavin but he was glad he followed him because then he never would of got to know him. After a few weeks they decided to Skype one another and actually see each other face to face (on a computer screen lol) and Conan couldn't contain himself. The first few minutes consisted of Gavin going to the toilet because he 'really needed the toilet' and Conan wiping his nose from the nosebleed he caught from staring at the cute guy. Conan was happy he and Gavin grew closer, so close some would class it as friends with benefits considering none of them had asked each other out. Conan's brother could feel the sexual tension when he had accidentally interrupted one of his calls with Gavin and proceeded to provoke Conan, after the call ended, until he fessed and admitted to wanting more. Connor understood and being the perfect boy he is told him 'you should wait till you're both ready and not just pry this on him and ruin your friendship'. Conan just nodded and stared at the blank laptop screen 'this is going to be hard'.

Around 8 months later it was still the same except Conan and Gavin were very close to actually being together and not best friends. Conan was minding his own business when Gavin had messaged him asking 'do u want to skype? X' Conan's heart skipped and quickly pulled open the tab and clicked call while waiting eagerly. A few minutes later Gavin answered and was met with a beautiful pair of ocean eyes.
G- "Hey"
C- "Hey I've got to something to ask you. Are you ready?"
G- "yeah course I am... wait let me go grab my soda from the counter"
As Gavin went to go grab his drink Conan looked and saw Gavin only in his underwear which made Conan blush heavily.
C- "nice. Are those batman boxers?"
Gavin whipped his head around due to embarrassment but played it off.
G- "Yeah do you like them I can change if you want?"
Gavin bend over a bit to show off his asset trying to turn the other on.
G- "does it turn you on?"
Gavin asked playfully
C- "I don't care change to whatever you want. And no it doesn't turn me on. If you're trying to seduce me with batman boxers try again"
Conan told him triumphantly. Not only did he not get turned on he also sounded quite awesome.
G- "Okay then"
Gavin said with a sly smirk. Conan was confused and waited in anticipation for what Gavin meant. Minutes later Gavin had returned to the screen with another pair of underwear except they were superman instead. Conan snorted at Gavin and laughed aloud heavily. Gavin huffed and mumbled 'oh yeah you'll see'.
Another few minutes went by and Conan was excited to see what lame design he had on his next pair of briefs. But they weren't lame they were incredible.
G- "how's this Conan~"
Gavin spoke, his voice lacing in lust.
Conan could only stare at the man on the other side of the screen. He had never seen someone so beautiful and amazing.
Gavin had came back out in a pair of black lingerie and Conan couldn't contain himself anymore.

 Gavin had came back out in a pair of black lingerie and Conan couldn't contain himself anymore

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Conan's had immediately got a boner and groaned.
G- "so you like it then?" Gavin asked innocently
C- "Gavin why do you have that?" Conan replied trying his very hardest not to start getting himself off there and then.
G- "I bought it a few weeks ago when I was shopping. Thought I'd surprise you"
Conan couldn't help it
C- "Fuck. Yoh look so good in that, if I was there Jesus Christ I would treat you so good"
Conan didn't care whether this would backlash or not he had already screenshot the picture of Gavin in the sexy under garments.
G- "Well how about you do that"
C- "You live in the same town right?"
G- "mhm"
C- "give me your address and I'll be there soon"
"Okay but you better hurry I'm laying here with the door open just for you"
Conan scrambled to his feet and threw his clothes on and sprinted to his car.
"Fuck me he's so perfect"

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