Mental part 1

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Androids. Yes that would be one of the 6 most popular words that came out of Gavin reeds mouth, he also would repeat and mutter that word in particular under his breath. Now when I say he has 10 most popular words i mean that you would be lucky to hear him any other words than these few. I'll put them in under of which he says the least to most;

6. Fuck

This word is one of the few you would hear him muttering in the halls when you would walk past him, normally this wouldn't be very weird because maybe he had forgotten or remembered something very important to himself.

5. Coffee

Usually this word would come along with ' I need coffee' or 'Where can i get coffee?'

4. Bitch

You would most likely hear him say this when he walked past the people in halls, he didn't like them at all and he blamed them entirely. ( But it was his attitude that drew them away, but Gavin is too stubborn to admit that)

3. Conan

This was one of the most popular words you would hear, sometimes he would just utter his name either to himself or to some of the other workers. Most of the time though would be at night when he would have a nightmare or if he was very scared causing him to scream out 'CONAN' in the middle of the night.

2. Help

This would often cone after the nightmares as such, he would sit there rocking back on forth saying this word and it would be sometimes inaudible because he would say it so fast.

1. Androids

This is most popular out of all of them that Gavin would say either to the people at lunch or to Conan himself.

Conan wanted to believe Gavin every time he said he was okay but he couldn't bring himself to believe it. Gavin would insist that he was 'fine' or that 'he was better' but nobody believed him and Gavin didn't understand why, he knew that he sounded crazy but Gavin knew that he wasn't. He wanted Conan to believe him and everything would be okay again and he could go home, but Gavin had a feeling deep down that was never going to happen and he would be stuck there forever and soon enough Conan wouldn't be working there anymore. Gavin had dreaded that more than anything else, he would rather spend all his time with Conan in here than be stuck out there without him.

Conan was going to go check up on Gavin like he usually does and prepared himself for the nonsense that would come out of the patients mouth. He breathed in and out and put on a smile before opening Gavin's door and locking it behind him, he looked around and noticed Gavin just sitting on the end of his bending slowly scratching his wrists. Conan had waited for some of the random things Gavin would say but none of them actually came out, this bewildered Conan and became suspicious. He knew something was wrong because somebody doesn't scream 'Androids are going to take over' one night and then suddenly not say anything of the sort the very next day, Conan let it slide but did not bring down his wariness of his actions. They had a normal conversation up until Conan had asked Gavin himself

"Gavin why haven't you spoke about the 'Androids' or anything like that?"

Gavin looked uncomfortable about the question and seemed to pretend like he didn't even hear Conan speak.
This frustrated Conan and urged him to be persistent about the subject, Conan knew that Gavin wouldn't care telling him about androids and honestly Conan loved listening to him, it's like someone telling a bed time story and Conan admires that.

"Gavin what's wrong? Why aren't you speaking to my anymore?"

But nothing was returned, only a look of sorrow and tears stared back at him, it almost made his heart break at the very moment but he ignored his feelings.

"Gavin I need you to talk to me or you're going to have to talk to Dr.Anderson"

This made Gavins throat hitch, he didn't like Dr.Anderson; other wise known as Connor, he didn't like speaking to him as much as Conan, Conan was Gavins happy place it's like everything he thinks about goes away. He didn't want to talk to Connor, so hesitantly he spoke up, it wasn't loud enough for most people to hear but Conan definitely caught on to his feeble voice.

"Today's the day of my Moms birthday"

Gavin barely whispered it but Conan had heard every word. He wanted to comfort Gavin but rules and regulations restricted him otherwise.
Gavin looked heart broken and there wasn't much he could actually do to help except sit there and console his feelings, Gavin didn't feel like talking to Conan for much longer; he felt uncomfortable and just wanted to be alone.

"I'm very sorry about that Gavin, do you want me to come back later?"

Conan tried with all his might to put on the most pitiful and soft voice he could, he shouldn't be leaving Gavin as his requirement to ask Gavin questions and get answers back but he couldn't bring himself to hurt Gavins feelings so he left after Gavin nodded at him.
Conan walked to his office, nodding and saying a quick 'hello' to his other colleagues and made it there within about 3 minutes. He walked over to Gavins files and reread over what had happened in the past 2 and half years.

Name: Gavin Reed
Age: 36
Occupation: Former Police Detective
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Dark Brown
Physical Appearance: Slightly slouched,
Facial Features: Scar across left side of nose, few faded scars across the face/neck, bullet wound scar in left shoulder, scar across eye, blind in left eye
Mental disorder: Claims 'Androids will take over', has voices in his head, talks to himself and 'voices'
Doctor: Conan Andrew Anderson
How long In probation: 6 years unless otherwise stated
Signature: patient would not sign

Conan didn't understand Gavin sometimes, some days he'll be talking nonsense and some he will won't talk to anybody at all, Conan presumed this was because of the voices and what-not but he couldn't actually be sure. Gavin had started to have symptoms of being schizophrenic when he was around 30 after a life changing case he was on with his partner Hank when suddenly things turned for the worse.

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