Chapter 3

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The storm went on. The wind blew stronger and sounds of thunder blasted through the sky. Rain started pouring, it came down hard. The sound of it was almost deafening. Out of nowhere, a huge tsunami came in and the forest started flooding. The treehouse shook and rattled. The stoopids were so worried, they didn't want to end up like the wolf. Suddenly, a rock crashed through the window and water came in. The treehouse started filling with water. "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" cried Daniel. The treehouse started shaking even more until the wind got strong enough to blow their treehouse over. The wind sent their treehouse crashing into the ground. The stoopids swam out of their broken treehouse. The water kept getting higher and higher. "I'M OUT!" cried Brian. Brian flew up high into the sky and then a random airplane smashed into him and he fell back down into the water. 

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