That One Girl

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(Authors note // I actually ended up using a huge portion of my pilot for once. I feel like this is lowkey the pilot itself but hey I couldn't think of anything else)

Hanna's POV:
Ugh another typical day at South Park elementary. Somebody please kill me now the last thing I need is to deal with my worst enemy.

A typical day consists of me saving someone's ass from my worst enemy plus the weirdest stares from boys. So they like me or something?

Then again the orange parka kid has tried to get with me

Many times.

It's kinda sad honestly. I don't get what 4th grade boys like about me. Does carrying around a pocket knife make me badass? Is it because I'm blonde?

I grabbed my pocket knife and put it in my pocket, obviously. I straightened my blonde hair which was parted on the left.

I got to the bus stop, and I felt like that group of the 4 boys was lowkey staring at me. The fat kid, the blue hat kid, the green hat, and the walking parka. If they've got an issue why not say it to my face?!

Apparently I dropped my iPod and the green hat kid immediately walked over and picked it up. Handing it to me, he said,
"I-I think this is yours"

"Thanks" I said and flashed him a smile. Don't know what I did but he seemed to develop a blush on his face.

The moment those doors to the school flew open, I saw her. Her fat ass stood there with her fake badly dyed blonde hair and her smirk. Wonder how many more chins she made with that.

"Hey fatass Who are you picking on this time?" I said.

"What's it to ya?!" She yelled.

"Picking in others isn't gonna make you skinnier you fat cow" I said.

"You'll eat your words Kramer. Along with prison food" spat out the notorious Loretta Cardinal.

Prison food? She really needs better insults that actually make sense.

"Oh please honey you don't scare me" i said and flipped my dark blonde hair. "Atleast my hairs actually blonde and not a terrible dye job like yours"

Kyle's POV:
"Damn Loretta must've messed with Hanna again" whispered Stan to me.
"Hanna's so fucking cool dude" i said. "Too bad she'll never notice me like that.." I sighed.

"Yea bro don't get your hopes up. Kenny's tried hooking up with her but she's not so easy"

"The closest I've ever gotten to talk to her was when she dropped her iPod and I gave it to her" I said.

"Dude that's sad" said Stan. 

"Yea she's got the fucking ass and titties of a model" said Kenny, muffled under his parka. "And she's an actual blonde which makes her even more attractive"

Cartman turned to us. "She eats cheesy pewfs like ah boss"

"Oh fatass what would you know about liking a girl?" I Laughed.

"OI! I've had a girlfriend KYAHL" exclaimed Cartman.

"How long did that last?" Jokingly asked Kenny.

"God Loretta's such a fat ugly annoying bitch. Her hair isn't even a real blonde" said Kenny rolling his eyes.

"Damn Kenny you never shame a girl" said Stan.

"Well there are some that are just unfuckable because they're assholes. Hanna on the other hand..." started Kenny. "That hottie, she's just playing hard to get"

"Woah Kenny we're like 10 no ones fucking anyone here" i said.

Hanna's POV:
I pulled out my trusty pocket knife. "You leave my friend alone or I'll fucking scoop your eyes out with this thing"

Loretta seemed mortified, but still kept cool. "Fine, Kramer. You win this one. Here's your little shithole" she said and pushed a kid in my direction.

"Oh you'll definitely pay for it next time" She sneered. 

Kyle's POV:
BUTTERS?! The hell did Hanna want with Butters?

"Uh gee thanks for saving me Hanna" said Butters, shaking.

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