Bitchslap, Courtesy of Reality

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Kyle's POV:
I dont exactly remember the details of last night, but I woke up with Hanna on one side of me and her prison pants on the other. Oh shit I hope we didn't pull a Kenny!

She was still sound asleep, with her arm around me. Goddammit she was so cute. I had this really nice dream that she sat on my bed and comforted me and hugged me before I blacked out.

Still don't know how she ended up right next to me.

Oh fuck oh shit. I noticed my sheets were wet in my area. Did I piss myself? Was it a wet dream? Oh god the last thing I would wanna do is explain to my crush why I have a wet bed.

I carefully picked up Hanna, and tried to carry her to her bunk. She was a bit heavy I'll admit, but I managed to place her back in her bunk.

I didn't know what else to do. I took one of the towels that were provided for us and started rubbing it on the stain that I accidentally made on my bed.

"Whatcha doin?" Asked a voice behind me. I turned around assuming I'd face humiliation. I quickly turned around and tried to cover up the wet spot on my sheets.

"Not much and you?" I asked.

"I'm gonna go meet Fields and some of the others. We need war paint for our faces" said Hanna and left.

Thank god.

"Hey Kyle!" Said a voice that belonged to Kenny.

I spoke too soon.

"Hmm looks like someone had a good night" said Kenny, accenting that last part and winking. "How good was the sex?"

"EWW Kenny what the fuck dude?!" I yelled.

"Aww damn you weren't lucky then" said Kenny. "Must've been a wet dream then"

"Kenny shhh I dont need the entire block hearing about that" I said and felt embarrassed.

"Don't worry dude I get those every night. The guards think I piss myself" laughed Kenny. "What can I say? Hanna Kramer has a way of making it into both our dreams"

"Kenny what?" I said.

"Dude she's a hot piece of ass! Any guy would wanna hook up with her" said Kenny. "You're not the only one who has those thoughts" he winked and left.

I sighed. I took off the sheets with the wet patch and threw them in the laundry bin. Thank god hanna didn't see that it ask questions. I could've sworn that last night her pants were on the floor and she slept right beside me.

Oh wait.

That actually happened.

Hanna's POV:
"Warpaint? Check" I said, as Warner brought us some black markers to mark our faces with war paint. Kenny Kyle Cartman Stan and the others joined me at this point.

"Cardinal's unpredictable, so I'll probs need an assistant" I said. Kyle and Kenny immediately lit up.

"I'll do it" they both said at the same time. Fields gave Kenny a strange look but he didn't look back at her. A pair of blue eyes and a pair of green eyes was fixed on me.

"I only need one assistant, boys" I said and smiled. I anticipated a cat fight. And a cat fight I got.

Stan's POV:
"Let's get out of here before we get involved" said Fields looking at me. She motioned for me to get up, so I did. On the way she grabbed a coffee and offered it to me.

"More espresso?" She asked. Her blue eyes glistened in the crappy lighting this stupid prison provided. I happily took that cup of coffee and said,
"Less depresso" I laughed.

"Look Marsh I wanna talk to you" she started.

I looked up at her and drank my coffee.

"Your a nice kid and I enjoy having you around" she started. My face lit up. "But we have to keep it at a friend level"

For a moment I felt rejected and friendzoned, but then realized I have Wendy back at home waiting for me so I don't need another relationship.

"It's fine Fields I completely understand. I have a girl back home waiting for me" I said.

Fields lifted her cup of coffee, and said,
"One lucky girl"

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