Rude Awakening

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Hanna's POV:
"No problem" I said and smiled at Butters. I didn't talk to many people but Butters tries to be my friend so I let him. He's honestly a cinnamon roll.

We made our way to class. I wasn't really new because people knew who I was. I sat down next to Butters. The orange parka kid was sitting on my other side.

"Well well Well if it isn't the infamous sexy Kramer" smirked the parka kid.

"Nice try Kenny I'm not hooking up with you" I said and laughed.

"Knock it off!" Said The green hat kid. I didn't exactly know everyone by name, so I kinda just went with it.

"Um thanks," I started, not knowing his name, and then the fat boy said "filthy Jew"

"Goddammit!" Yelled the Jew.

"Um Thanks Jew?" I said. He sighed.

"I'm Kyle and that's Cartman. He's a fatass" said The kid who I referred to as a Jew.

"OI! I'm not fat I'm big boned!" Said Cartman. Kyle and I laughed.

"Tell that to the crack in the floor that you clearly made" I said and Kenny Kyle and the blue hat kid who I think is Stan started Laughing.

"Ok class we are reading Frankenstein" said Mr. Garrison. A collective groan was heard from the class.

Garrison started reading the book out loud and Kenny fell asleep.

"Boooo this book sucks ass" Yelled Cartman.

"Eric Cartman shut the hell up before I send you to the principals office!" Said Garrison.

He continued to read, and once Garrison read the word 'intercourse' Kenny woke right up and was wide awake.

"Intercourse?" He said, muffled. "Where?" He seemed very excited.

"No kenny not that kind of intercourse" sighed Garrison and rolled his eyes.

"Aww that's bullshit" said Kenny.

"Kenneth McCormick! Watch the foul language!" Yelled Garrison.

"Says the teacher who just said hell" I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Hanna Kramer want to join the boys in a potential trip to the principals office?" Asked Garrison.

"Beats you reading old jibberish about random people talking about nonsense" I said and Stan and Kyle laughed.

"She's not afraid to speak her mind" said Stan.

"Yeaaa" said Kyle but he seemed to be daydreaming.

Kyle's POV:
Damn the fact that she speaks her mind and makes jokes just makes me like her even more. Kenny was right about her having a model body, but that's not what attracted me to her. Kenny's more of a perv, but I look in personality qualities in a girl.

Hanna was nice, cute and Badass. Hey I'll agree her looks are amazing. I can't stop staring at her I hope she doesn't notice...

We never got sent to the principals office so that's nice. I'm still shocked that she's friends with Butters our of all people.

I walked up to Butters and Hanna.
"So uh do you guys wanna sit with us?" I asked.

Butters nodded and Hannah said, "sure why not?"

I walked with them the rest of the way to lunch, and we sat down. Butters on one side, me on the other of Hanna.

"Hanna Kramer, Kenny McCormick, Eric Cartman, Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, and Loretta Cardinal to the main office please" said the announcements.

"What the fuck?!" Both Hanna and I said.

Once we went down to the office the 6 of us were immediately sent to the police station.

Hanna's POV:
Why the hell were they throwing me into this little interrogation room? And with the three musketeers and mcfatass?

"Interesting party. We've got the three musketeers, and mcfatass over there. Wonder why the fuck I'm here?!"

"Hanna?" Asked Kyle, surprised.

"We have footage of all 5 of you robbing Whole Foods" said the police officer.

"WHAT?!" Exclaimed Hanna. "I've done some pretty fucked up shit but I'd never rob a store, especially Whole Foods!"

"Probably not the best thing to say to a police officer" whispered Kyle.

"I can take care of myself MOM" said Hanna.

"Hanna Iris Kramer. You were suspected to be the mastermind of this scheme"

"I Never done anything but on the bright side atleast we don't have to read Frankenstein"

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