Declaring War in a Cafeteria

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Hanna's POV:
I walked along with Kyle and a couple others, as we went to grab dinner. Once we walked in everyone cheered "prison pasta" and of course I was confused.

"Kramer they got us the good shit today! Prison pasta!" Said Fields. "No need to smuggle in dinner for tonight.

I was at the front of the line and I managed to squeeze Kyle in with me. Following us was Pails, Scotch, and Fields. Out of the corner of my eye, i saw someone ambush Fields.

"Get off me you B block scum!" Yelled Fields. Fields kicked her attacker and they layed off.

"Relax McCullough" said a voice I recognized and hated. Loretta Cardinal.

"You" I Yelled.

"What's wrong, Kramer? A block being destroyed again?" Mocked Loretta.

"Shut it Cardinal" I spat. "I'll have you know if A block's head bitch" I said.

"Aww look it's Alina Torr" started Cardinal. The heck? Did they have history? Torr glared at Cardinal. "We all know your the reason A block hasn't had a leader is years. Should I tell the newbs? Perhaps have a little story time?" Said Cardinal.

Torr looked mad but looked almost as if she was about to cry. I didn't really like her that much but I was head bitch so I had to stand up for her somehow.

"Hey Cardinal how the hell would you know why when you just got here today?" I said. "My bitches are bringing their A game and we're taking you down!" I said as the rest of A block cheered.

We all got our dinner, and I sat with Kyle, Cartman, Stan, Kenny, Pails, and Fields. Torr, Scotch, and some of the others sat at another table, but A and B blocks didn't mix.

"So what's up with Torr?" I asked.

"She still blames herself for our old fallen leader. We all missed Carlee Jones. Jones was an epic leader, and we beat B blocks in everything, until Cardinal decided to play dirty and poison Jones' drink. Of course Torr was with her at the time. Not sure if ya know but Cardinal has been in and out of here" said Fields.

"Well damn" I said. "So that's why she's reluctant to let a new leader in?"

"Yea. Her and Marla Brandy. They've been Best friends since they got here. Since we already have a Brandy round here we call Marla Brandy MB" said Pails.

"Jones and Cardinal had beef  way before you showed up" said Fields.

"Well cardinal and I have some of our own beef back at school. And I guess here" I said.

"Hanna can I talk to you in private?" Asked Kyle.

"Broflovski we go by last names here bud" said Pails. Kyle seemed like he had something important to say, so him and I left towards a corner of the cafeteria since we weren't allowed to leave.

Everyone just started saying "oooooh" as if something was about to go down.

"Listen Hanna are you sure you can handle a leadership position?" Asked Kyle.

"What the hell? You doubting me?" I said.

"No, Hanna I'm worried about you. We could possibly go to war and I would t want you to get hurt" said Kyle.

"Ok I agreed not to call you mom but that was a hard one. Look I appreciate that you care about me but I can take care of my own ass and the others in A block. It'd be great if you had some faith in me" I said. I could tell he was scared.

"Come here" I said and gave him a hug. Of course his face turned red but whatever. Got comfort my pack. We then went back to our table.

"Aww is one of the new cookies crumbling already?" Said one of B block's bitches.

"Sabine McCullough" said Pails and rolled here eyes. "One of Cardinal's favorite bitches. Torr was once friends with McCullough but this war drove them apart. Also good luck winning Torr over she's a touch cookie" said Pails.

"More esspresso less depresso" said Stan.

"Ayyy" said Fields.

"Marsh and Fields seem to be hitting it off. I'll see if I can file a room change request. I don't mind Warner" said Pails.

"Shut it McCullough" said Cartman. I guess he was starting to get the hang of this.

"Hey fatfuck dont Tell my girl to shut up" said Cardinal.

"Make me hoe" said Cartman. We all started cheering as McCullough and Cartman both stood up on their tables and started throwing insults at each other.

"Damn our fatass really has it in him" said Kyle.

"You're damn right Broflovski" I said and put my arm around him. It was kinda fun seeing him become redder than his hair.

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